Second Amendment

Virginia Bracing For Violence

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The Prsident of the Virginia Citizens League, Phillip Van Cleave, says, “it’s their side, the Democrats in Virginia, that doing this. As if they are pushing for something to happen, like they want something to happen” He also said that he “has seen regular people who would never even mention something like Civil War,and that, “These people would probably never have even heard or thought of a possible Civil War, but that now they are all concerned about it, they’re worried about it, they feel all the tension now that’s being created by the Governer and the leadership of The Democrat party over guns!” The Demsocrats seem to really be pushing for it, and seem excited about it. He says “WE WILL NOT GIVE UP OUR GUNS!”

Virginia gun rights president: ‘Northam needs to stop poking the bear’

Van Cleave told Govorner Notham to “Stop Poking The Bear” and added that “Law Abiding Citizens don’t deserve to be poked.” He added that, “It is almost like the Democrats want something to happen, it is their side that is doing it and they keep doing it, it sounds crazy, but you have to start wondering if it’s intentional that they are inflaming all of this?”

“Theyre dong it, and they need to STOP!” he said.

The Governer announced that they are getting “threats of violence, from outside groups, armed militias and hate groups.” We have heard internet rumors, that say ANTIFA are planning to infiltrate these goups, armed and ready to start violence. But notice how the Governer placed “Melitias” in with “Hate Groups,” in his speech. The armed militias that went down to support the Bundy Ranch sStand Off with the BLM, during the Government overeach and assault on their cattle ranch in Nevada, caused no violence at all.

There is no evidence, that has been made public, that shows that these militias will be any different in Virginia. They are simply coming to support the peoples right to keep and bear arms, which they have evry right, some say duty, to try and protect our constitutional rights that the Democrats in Virginia are trying to infringe upon.

Our founders feared another tyranical Government-when they wrote, argued over, and signed the U.S. Constitution- so they made sure that every citizen would be able to protect their God given rights. They did this by making the very first amendment to it, the right to free speech, religious freedom, and also made sure that the people would retain the right to assemble and redress their grievences to that Government…and then… they made the Second Amendment, in order to protect the first.

Monticello Historical landmark in Albemarle County, Virginia
Monticello was the primary plantation of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United Statesecello

FOX NEWS, RICHMOND, Va. — Threats of violence, including claims of a militia storming Virginia’s Capitol and protesters weaponizing drones, have put federal and state authorities on high alert ahead of Monday’s gun-rights rally.

Thousands of people across the country are expected to show up as part of a demonstration demanding state Democrats drop a push for comprehensive gun control in the commonwealth.


The fear of violence has spread quickly and has led to heightened security, road closures and a ban on firearms in the Capitol and on its grounds. An event memorializing victims of gun violence, including one honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., was canceled due to safety concerns. The Federal Aviation Administration has banned drones within a 2-mile radius of the Capitol and nearby students at VCU and the Medical College of Virginia have been encouraged to stay indoors.

Fox News- Https://
Fox News- Https://

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