
Welcome To “Police State Amerika”!

Welcome To Police State Amerika!

by Johnny Rowland (June, 2020 column) from May 19, 2020

Many of us remember the TV series called “The Fugitive,” where an innocent man was relentlessly pursued by unethical law enforcement for a crime he did not commit. Well, fast forward to now, and we see our own governing authorities ruthlessly and stupidly turning a significant portion of our populace into fugitives because they refuse to obey rules prescribed by blatant political manipulators spouting fear and non-science. The Demonazis, sometimes referred to as Democrats and their minions, have only one desire, which is to gain power over others. Their long stated mantra of “the end justifies the means” is real and necessary in their twisted minds— they are willing to force their version of “paradise” on the rest of us no matter how many of us they have to maim or kill in the process. Our Founders got it right when they made sure that the Bill of Rights included the 2nd Amendment, to insure that citizens of the United States would always have a means of defending themselves and their families against enemies, both foreign and domestic. At this point, the number of domestic enemies seems to be increasing faster than foreign ones!

In various places around the US, if one goes out of doors without some sort of face mask, he or she may be fined or imprisoned for disobeying an unlawful edict put forth by power-mad, or ignorant, or just plain stupid political hacks. Our rights, specified by our US Constitution, are supposed to be in effect ALL OF THE TIME, and should especially be relied on in times of crisis.

And our current so-called health “crisis” is the direct result of the Deep State’s failure to unhorse President Donald Trump by every other means they have tried. You can trust me on this one, if Trump loses in November, the Coronavirus Pandemic will vanish like snowflakes in the desert, forgotten and cast aside as the ploy it has been.

I am not a medical doctor, but I am an engineer who deals with facts, whether I like them or not, or whether they are politically correct, or not. And with many of our professional medical personnel still afflicted by John D Rockefeller restructuring of our US medical system in the early 1900’s, for wholesale abandonment of traditional and natural treatments of illness, in favor of a petroleum based pharmaceutical approach for all medicinal training and practice, the MD designation is no guarantee of accurate information.

I am certainly pro oil industry, but some products are better left to be used in our cars and trucks than in our physical bodies!

(Rockefeller was also involved in helping to bring about the debacle of Prohibition. It seems he made large contributions to the Temperance Movement, which besides jump starting and financing the Mafia, outlawed the manufacture and possession of alcohol that many rural Americans made at home and used for fuel in their Model T Ford autos. After Prohibition was enacted, automotive fuel was only available at commercial gas stations— what a coincidence!)

The “masking” of America is one of the most ridiculous exercises yet foisted on our populace. If the Demonazis and other government nitwits were genuinely as afraid of the Coronavirus as they pretend to be, everyone in the US would be issued a military type Nuclear/Biological/Chemical mask which covers the entire face, including the eyes, with a clear shield sealed with a rubber gasket along with a filtered respirator.

This is the only one that really works. And if they were actually as terrified as they portray themselves to be, then everyone would be wearing a hazmat suit. Why a hazmat suit? For containment of personal digestive gases that every human releases over a dozen times per day, which have been found to carry the dreaded Coronavirus! Plus, expelled Coronavirus remains airborne for up 3 hours!

The common dust mask or bandana or t-shirt-pulled-up-over-the-nose, offers no real protection for the wearer or person in proximity. What they or it does do, however, is to absolutely guarantee that the wearer of the mask will become sicker due to a greater concentration of toxins and pathogens which would normally be exhaled.

These makeshift masks also restrict the flow of oxygen to one’s brain, and this factor alone has caused numerous injuries and accidents; not to even mention putting the lives of thousands of asthmatics at risk. There are already many and inexpensive, as well as EFFECTIVE non-vaccine treatments for viruses. These would include ozone, raising ph levels, and sunlight, besides helpful legacy medicines— by the way, none of these offer high profit margins to the pharmaceutical companies.

Realize that viruses are not actually alive, but are just proteins which cause an adverse reaction upon entering our cells. A rushed-to-manufacture vaccine, containing substances known to be poisonous to our human physical mechanism, and produced by entities with publicly stated goals of worldwide population reduction, may not be the best way to combat the Coronavirus Pandemic! Even the corrupt CDC and more useless World Health Organization have admitted that the vast majority of people exposed to Coronavirus will have no serious or lasting effects from it, but if Capitalism can be discredited in favor of globalist Socialism, (another spelling for SLAVERY) and the greatest economy in history can be permanently crippled, then the evil purveyors of our current mayhem will believe that their evil ends, achieved by any and every evil means, will be justified. Let’s interfere with their schedule!

Dr. Rowland’s personal advice: get plenty of bright sunshine; drink plenty of fluids; obtain a Bible and actually read it; and buy all the ammo you possibly can!

Contact Johnny Rowland at: johnny460rowland@gmail.com

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Johnny Rowland

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