
Welcome To The New Country Of “Mine”

As we have all seen on our nightly news, there is a wonderful new country that has been added to the world’s group of nations. It’s called “CHAZ” (or the Capital Hill Atonomous Zone) The people there in this six square block zone, in the former downtown Seattle Washington area, have declared Nationhood; separating themselves from The United States.

They have formed this new nation around the former police station there, and have kicked out every cop in their new country. Except of course, for their new war lord and his armed guards; who have claimed that they are now in charge of this new nation and that they are the new “police” there. They have already assaulted one of their own citizens for spray painting on a building there. So they are obviously able to police themselves.

Would you like to bring your family to live or to do business in CHAZ? Well you can, they are open. In fact, they will allow you to come in or to continue to operate your business within their borders as long as you pay a small fee of course. However, as there is virtually no active Government in CHAZ, we are not really sure who you will be paying that fee to.?

The new nation of CHAZ now has secure borders too. To keep their citizens safe, Armed Border Guards, (who are not ICE agents by the way,) are patrolling their borders, that have been marked with large wooden, plastic, and concrete barricades. They have made checkpoints that are guarded also to make sure that they know exactly who enters into their country, and who is allowed to leave.

Hopefully soon, their will come some kind of treaty, allowing for the repatriation of American citizens who have been trapped there in CHAZ after its sudden creation. Which is all a little odd because these seem to be the same people who were angry at the Right and the President for wanting a border wall at the southern border of the U.S. But What’s good for the goose, and all that…

CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and the rest of our fearless Mainstream Media, tried to protect us from all the crazy “White Men With Guns” when there were protests about the coronavirus “Lock Downs.” Even though those protesters caused no violence or property damage of any kind. But now that same media have been raving over these new ANTIFA & BLM protests and of course this new country that has come into existence in downtown Seattle.

They are excited that the people living there will not have to worry about that scary police presence patrolling and protecting the neighborhoods anymore. So now those city streets will be so much safer without those dastardly cops.

The Seattle City Mayor said that this new nation within our borders is “really like a Block Party” and that she “may even give in to some of their demands”

Here is a view from the CHAZ Public Relations Department an arm of their Propaganda machine:

The President of the United States of America, however and as usual, is not in support of this “brave” group of un-American people, just deciding to secede from the US and form an all together new country. Especially one that is inside of the country that gave them the right to protest in the first place.

But it seems for the moment, that with a Democrat Governor and left-wing City Mayor, that the President doesnt really have very much, or any power really, to stop what is happening there within Seattle. Here is what he had to say about it:

Radical Left Governor Jay Inslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!

Seattle Mayor says, about the anarchists takeover of her city, “it is a Summer of Love”. These Liberal Dems don’t have a clue. The terrorists burn and pillage our cities, and they think it is just wonderful, even the death. Must end this Seattle takeover now!

The Radical Left Democrats: First they try to take away your guns. Then they try to take away your police!

And Tucker Carlson of Fox News also had a much different view of CHAZ then the rest of the media. (Well of course he did duh, it’s Fox News after all) Take a look:

Here is another take on the new nation of CHAZ:

And so, with all this going on in Seattle and all across the United States. Violent Protests, Riots, Crime Sprees…etc. I have decided to draw borders around the property I live on and create my own brand new country. I will call my new nation “Mine.”

By the way…we are armed here, so you may want to apply for citizenship, because only the people I wish to see are welcome here, everyone else can go live in CHAZ i hear it’s great!

And as a side note, if I were the police, who had sworn to protect these AssHats, I would just head home, all of ’em, and let these people just see what a world without cops would actually look like…but that’s just me, and my humble opinion.

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Jason Haugen

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