Categories: From the Page.

What Are We Showing Our Kids? Family Values, Wholesome Lessons, & Good Morals Are Dead On TV.

As a family, we watch a lot of TV, we use all the streaming services and have a Directv basic subscription. We have a young child in the immediate family, my nephew. In between all the Kid’s youtube videos and Xbox games he loves, he enjoys a good TV show or movie just like we do. And like most parents, we watch carefully for all of the TV age appropriate ratings, to make sure he isn’t exposed to things like sex, drugs, violence, adult situations…etc.He loves things like superheros, Star Wars, Science Fiction, and basic “kids” tv content. So, we have a subscription to Disney, too.

We don’t dare let him watch shows like Super Girl, Arrow, The Flash…etc. or any of the “teen” superhero content geared towards younger viewers from the CW network. Their far-leaning left wokism & indoctrination is more than even I can handle, let alone a 9 year old boy. But as we all know, that kind of progressively excessive ideology isn’t just bound to the CW network. The new Quantum Leap remake from NBC for example, has been a real disappointment for me, as I really loved the original series.

Even though this new run or “revival” tries to keep the original characters in the background of its story theme, the show leaves a lot to be desired from its SciFi Time-traveling haritage. The times and adventures of history-healing Dr. Sam Becket is definitely gone, replaced by a revised push of critical race theory, LGBTQAAP & especially transgender normalization. We are now beginning to see more programs really pushing the themes of their shows towards the normalization of Transgender children. Trying to make you into a horrible person or biggot if you even question things like child hormone therapy and child gender reasignment surgery. Or the controversy of the fairness of boys playing in girl’s sports or the morality of boys in the girl’s locker and shower rooms. As in the last “Quantum Leap” episode, all about that subject. Which showed just one point of view of the theme in a positive light, and making the character with the oppisite view point, look like a religious zealot.

Tv is not the only the only place where our Kid’s are being exposed to this, even as young as kindergarten children are being tought gender studies information in American schools most times without telling the parents that they are discussing it with their kids at all. Fox News reported on an Alaskan father who pulled his kids out of public school after he was silenced at a school board meeting for voicing his concerns about a book that talked about it being “healthy” for kids to search for and watch porn on the internet, even sending “naughty masterpieces” or nude pictures to friends. This should not be what our schools teach our children

The AP reported that kids as young as 14 now can start taking hormone therapy. And ages 15 to 17 can have complete reasignment surgeries. Maybe some of these children may be emotionally mature enough to make these decisions and understand that they feel different from other children. But are they old enough to choose to take dangerous hormones that will change them completely and the ramifications of the side effects of such therapies? Or what about having a surgeries that permanently changes their reproductive organs, removing them and replacing them, and that may or may not be perminant, or reversable if they ever regret those decisions? I wasn’t at that age.

you can decide for yourself if that is what you want your family TV time to be about, but i certainly don’t. My pesonal opinion (as if anyone cares) is that, of course, we would be inclusive with our television characters, which is not the issue. There will always be gay, lesbien, and trans actors and characters in our television content. However, constantly having the main characters be lgbtq in one form or another: pushing these naritives and ideologies in almost every episode of every show, with the main episode themes being about victimhood and oppressions of these peoples; and how we all need to embrace this lifestyle, takes away from the entertainment value of the entire show. Again, in my opinion.

We are also seeing the normalization of underage and even child drug use. It is not limited to Marijuana but harder party drugs as well. It is glorified as cool and as “the thing you do” as a kid. We all know that these things do happen in real life, but we do not need to encourage and glorify it. And it isn’t just mentioned positively, but shown as joyful and regular, normal activity.

Have you noticed that every main character in these shows is somehow tragically damaged in some way? Every one, they have been abused at some time in their history, or come from broken and dysfunctional families, or have mental health issues caused by something in their past. They are depressed, rebellious or act-out. They look for promiscuous sex and turn to alcohol or heavy drug use to “cope” with their lives? That is the new norm in our TV universe.

And whether they are gay straight or bi, they seem to always have almost straight-up pornographic sex scenes multiple times in the same show. Why? You don’t need that to tell the story. It is put in there gratuitously and for no other reason but for raitings from a few people who only watch TV for the nudity and sex.

If an outsider were to judge our society by what they see as “our lives” in these TV shows. They would believe that we are all a bunch of druged up sex adicts, with mommy or daddy issues, with severe mental health problems, that can’t cope with the realities of our lives. People who might possibly die out from existence all together if left to our own devices.

Even Disney has now joined the completely “Woke” era. From their Movies, TV shows, cartoons, and streaming platform to their theme parks. They sexualize children and push the progressive woke agenda wherever and whenever possible.

I suppose all of those “old people” who told us kids to “get off the boob-tube, to go outside and find our own adventures,” were right. They all saw this coming; the use of entertainment to indoctrinate. This push, by who knows who, to cause us to be lazy, to conform, to a new way of living, and to be controlled. Well, it may be time to lose all of these streaming services and television networks for good, and to make our own adventures. Instead of wasting the years away watching other people’s idea of what our lives should look like.

We can not trust this new wokness in entertainment society to help raise our families for us. This is not an accurate representation of real life in any way, even as much as Hollywood wishes it would be. Our kids should not be exposed to sex and drug use and things of this nature at young ages. And it is no longer just in adult primerime or cable telivision as it uses to be. It is killing the morals and values of the American family. It is teaching kids lessons that their parents either don’t want them to learn or would rather teach them for themselves. TV, Movies, internet streamed videos, pop culture in general, are not good for our kids. It is ruining families and our country. Spending time in Nature, Social Clubs, Churches, Social Gatherings, Family Get-togethers, Neighborhood BBQ’s. Crafts, Hobbies…etc. this is where we should be, and what we should be doing with our kids.

Jason Haugen

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