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Why Impeach In Secret First?

Could this closed-door impeachment process be nothing more than a dry-run? A risk assessment to the House Democrats, such as Nancy Pelosi, whose son has ties to Ukraine?

And for other Democrat leaders, such as Joe Biden, whose son Hunter also has questionable ties to Ukraine?

Might all this secrecy, kept hidden from the House Republicans and the American people, conducted behind closed doors, be a means to assess possible damage to Democrat officials, doing so at the the expense of the American taxpayer?

The House Democrats know that if/once the impeachment proceedings are made official through the required vote in the House, it’s open session–open season—from there, giving outsiders (Republican officials) access to the same information and testimonies, and the opportunity to determine whether these whistle-blowers were positioned in the White House by the Democrats for this very purpose (spying).

If spying turns out to be the case, it wouldn’t be the first time Democrats used underhanded means to insert spies into The Trump White House.

An open testimony would allow the House Republicans a chance to see just how deep this quid quo pro with the Democrat officials/their families with Ukraine and other countries actually goes.

If this impeachment wasn’t first conducted in secret, the outsiders (Republican officials) would gain more insight into the dirty money and power dealings of their Democrat political rivals. In the name of transparency, passing the damning info on to the public, the Democrat party would implode. Such findings would put the Democrats at a severe disadvantage, leaving their butts hanging out for all the world to see.

If transparency existed, exactly what would we see? A political coup to remove a duly-elected sitting American President at any cost?

Conducting such meetings behind closed doors, insisting on their “No Republicans Allowed” approach is the House Democrats’ safest and self-preserving alternative. It gives the Democrats time to assess the damage to themselves and subsequently craft their own cover-up stories before exposure to Republican and national scrutiny.

Their risk assessment must be conducted first, since during their secret hearings these House Democrats can muzzle, push, and even force the investigation in a direction that would minimize Biden’s past dirty dealings, as well as the other skeletons hidden in their collective politically corrupt closet.

These secret impeachment hearings, reminiscent of third-world dictatorships, allow the House Democrats the opportunity to manipulate and mitigate, likewise minimizing the risk to other corrupt high ranking Democrat officials and the handful of RINOs who live in the Democrats’ back pockets. It helps to ensure their dirty deeds never come to light. Or, if they must be made known, it can happen with well-prepared slanting, a practiced ignorance, and overt blame-redirecting, giving the leftist Trump haters something to grab hold of, knowing the ignorant will run with it.

The House Democrats need to prepare first, strategize who in their party may be destroyed in the process, decide who among them they are willing to sacrifice, if necessary, to get this impeachment before the Senate.

In addition, it allows time to determine exactly what pressure is needed to ensure each witness testifies according to the Democrat agenda. Time for digging into a potential witness’s past, knowing everyone has something they’d like to keep private, or is the bad guy in someone else’s story, or otherwise has something to gain. Once you find that dirt or need, you can establish your own little side quid quo pro deals, thus owning the witnesses.

In this way, House Democrats can go over all testimony first, with no Republican in the room to challenge any of it, then decide how to spin it in their favor, and determine if any potential political blow-back is something they can absorb. They can decide who among them they are willing to throw under the bus, and whether calling a formal vote before The House is in their best interest.

They’ve changed the rules, conducting back-room hearings, allowing secondhand hearsay testimony for whistle-blowers (which was never before allowed). Their secret interviews provide that only Democrats are allowed the power to subpoena, allow no cross examinations, no representation for the accused, with no access to testimony or evidence to anyone but House Democrats.

Is that how we run our country now? Is this what we’ve been reduced to?

If this sounds like the beginning of a political coup d’etat, there’s a reason for that: It is one.

We’ve seen for ourselves: The main objective of the Democrats is to remove President Trump from office by any means necessary. They will sink to any low, spew their obvious lies, insert spies, twist and distort the truth, conduct hearings in secrecy, violate due process, change House rules in mid-stream…whatever it takes…as long as it accomplishes their objective: The destruction of this presidency.

Adam Schiff’s sophomoric display, that now infamous public reading of a completely fabricated phone transcript—a crafty attempt to pass off to the world his rewrite of what he wished the President has said, doing so as if it were a true copy—is something we must never forget. Despite the Washington Post giving Schiff 4 Pinocchios for his obvious falsehoods, the far-left House Democrats stand united behind him.

That alone should tell us all we need to know about the corruption behind today’s Democrat party.

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Jae Eubanks

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