Official portrait of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, photographed January 11, 2019 in the Office of the Speaker in the United States Capitol.
Nancy Pelosi is, obviously, not used to the persons in the Media actually doing their jobs. Pelosi exhibited her anger in an interview with a PBS reporter. The reporter asked her a question about flexibility within the stimulus negotiations, mentioned the GOP’s concessions. The tone and reaction itself demonstrated Pelosi’s unwillingness to really work with the GOP, regardless of their willingness to work with her.
When did it become wrong for the Press to hold people accountable for what they are or are not doing in terms of “We The People”?
At one point in their interview, Woodruff asked Pelosi about the “flexibility” GOP lawmakers are showing in terms of allocating more money for state and local governments, as well as Republican arguments that “much of the money” allocated in the CARES Act “has not even been spent yet.” That didn’t sit well with Pelosi. “Well, if you want to be an advocate for them, Judy, if you want to be an advocate for them, listen to what the facts are,” the speaker scolded the veteran anchor.”
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