A PANDEMIC: A Show of True Character

I’ve watched the last week or so how some Americans have devolved so much as to wish this virus on our US President, some going so far as to express a desire that he dies from it.

This begs the question: What kind of sick world do we live in?

I’m embarrassed to the core as a human being and ashamed and disgusted that my fellow human beings can write hateful posts like those I’ve seen this past week, and somehow they seem to believe it’s ok. And not only is it ok, but they’re apparently proud of it. Actually proud, as if such hatred should be applauded!

In what universe is this type of behavior ok?

Compounding matters, instead of one of their friends seeing such posts and calling them out on the reprehensible comments, they join in with the unabashed hatred, with threads of hatred and death wishes for our US President littering my Facebook wall.

Do you people seriously wish our president dead? Is this your true character?

If so, it says a lot more about YOU than it does about President Trump, a man who is going without sleep and doing everything in his power to keep Americans safe—including those of you who are currently wishing him dead.

Part of President Trump’s job is to keep us from succumbing to panic and rioting during such an emergency. Surely, despite some of the horrendous postings by some of you, you must all realize that. You surely are at least intelligent enough to know he’s walking a very fine line of giving us the info needed to keep us safe, while balancing it against the possibility of society devolving into a rioting, looting, lawless disaster—one that could cause more human casualties than COVID-19.

President Trump must address the public about this pandemic, while also keeping us calm enough to survive it. And he’s not going to accomplish this by panicking and telling us millions are going to die, as he stands before a mic right there on national TV.

We need to stay calm. Stop hoarding. Wash our hands. Avoid crowds. Think of our neighbors. And hunker down the best we can until this passes.

And here I sit, hunkered down on self-quarantine, having read one criticism after another. Such as:

“He’s deliberately downplaying this!” (No kidding: he’s trying to prevent riots and panic buying/hoarding that will harm others and cause us to destroy ourselves).

“His actions were overblown, trying to prematurely stop flights from China because he’s a racist and against minorities!” (Because he took it seriously, President Trump wanted this travel restriction to protect the American people and to stop the spread of this virus).

No matter his actions, there are those of us who will double down and spew hate for no other reason than they are so full of themselves and their hatred that they can’t see how truly obnoxious they, themselves, have become. And this is backed by the many social media posts I see from my “liberal friends,” people posting how delighted they’d be if President Trump catches this virus and dies a miserable death.

I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. But some of you think it’s ok to wish this on someone else.

I’ve seen this emergency bring out the best in some people. And I’ve seen it bring out the absolute worst in others.

At least, if nothing else, it’s taught me from which people I need to distance myself. It’s taught me who is worthy of respect, and who is not. It’s taught me who cares about their neighbor, and who only cares about their own bad self.

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