Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, having made it known during his failed bid for the presidency that he has no respect for our US Constitution—specifically our 2nd Amendment—soon dropped out of the race when the numbers weren’t in his favor.

Now, he’s back in the race, but in a very different yet equally dangerous way, and with the same promise to begin dismantling our US Constitution—with the backing of presidential hopeful Joe Biden.

In his disgraceful anti-Constitution stance, Joe Biden has announced he wants Beto O’Rourke to be his lead man to take guns away from law abiding American citizens, effectively promising to override the Constitution.

A vote for Biden is a clear threat to our rights. All rights. If one can be taken away, then any and all can be taken away.

If Biden wins the presidency, he’ll be required to take an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution…the very document he’s now promising to trash.

Biden and Beto have sent a clear message that big government Liberalism plans to become so powerful as to make itself above the law of the land. Yes, above the very sacred document our forefathers set in place to ensure this type of behavior from our government could never happen.

What a dangerous and ill conceived ideology, especially when guns are used, according to the Violence Policy Center’s 2013 findings, for self defense to protect the innocent people in this country over 67,000 times per year, and as many as 2.5 million times per year, according to the published findings of criminologist Gary Kleck.

To leave as many as 2.5 million potential victims defenseless every year, law abiding citizens who could have otherwise had the means to defend themselves and their families in the face of violence, is nothing short of unconscionable, and according to our 2nd Amendment, unlawful. Our blood may soon be on their hands, and on the hands of everyone who votes for Biden.

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