Bumbling Joe Biden picks “Token” Sen. Kamala Harris For His VP – Who’s Surprised?

In today’s political climate, the left constantly stokes the fires of division, by inciting people to anger over race, gender or other victimhood groups they place people in. The only thing they are focused on, is their quest for power. So who could be surprised, that Bumbling Biden would pick a woman as his running mate? And a woman of color too, just to make sure he has the full effect when pandering to his wittless supporters.

I am sure that Senator Harris is a smart and capable person, even though I disagree with everything she stands for politically; but does she have what it takes to be the Vice President of the United States? Or was she only picked to bring in votes because of her race and gender?

What sad times we live in. Where we as individuals either get ahead, or fall behind, based solely on gender and the color of our skin. That is not the America I want to live in.

You have to wonder how she feels about being chosen simply because she is a black woman. There are far more experienced people with greater knowledge who are better suited for the job than Senator Harris is. This is the exact opisite of what the great civil rights hero Dr. King wanted; someone not picked and judged by her policies, experience, character, but instead for the color of her skin.

ABC reported that Biden said this decision “should not be a political one,” but his choice for VP was nothing but political.

“I know a thing or two about being Vice President. More than anything, I know it can’t be a political decision. It has to be a governing decision. If the people of this nation entrust me and Kamala with the office of President and Vice President for the next four years, we’re going to inherit a nation in crisis, a nation divided, and a world in disarray. We won’t have a minute to waste. That’s what led me to Kamala Harris,”

– email from Joe Biden

Give me a break Joe, “the nation is in crisis, devided, and in disarray” because you people have made it that way. AND YOU KNOW IT. That was the plan all along.

You couldn’t get your power back by starting the Russian Collusion Dillusion hoax. You failed in your political coup attempt, the Ukrainian impeachment scam and It didn’t work pushing socialism with Bernie. So now, just three and a half months till the election, you had to try and do it by using the old leftist standby…gender and race baiting.

The left only sees race, they are always talking about it; separating people into little groups, to pit them against each other, and all for this very reason. So they can choose people from those groups to run for office. That way they will get votes from the members of those particular groups. And the more victim groups a candidate is in, the correct race, gender, sexual orientation and so on, the more votes they can get. It is manipulation at it’s best, and the left are masters at it.

They could care less about the damage they cause to the country. They believe the ends justify the means, that they will get 4 to 8 years to fix it afterwards. The real problem is, they won’t fix it afterwards, their policies will destroy our nation.

We must all get out and vote to stop them at all costs. This may be the last chance we have to save our Nation.

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