Raising the property taxes on businesses inevitably causes consumer prices to go up. That’s how it works. Anyone with even a modicum of intelligence understands this. It’s simple economics. The products we buy and services we use will cost more.

But when California tells the masses that the newest tax plan only affects businesses, we have a lot of naive people here doing their little happy dances as they vote “yes.” Like mindless but happy drones, they apparently have no idea it’s going to come out of their own pockets by way of price increases—to almost everything we buy.

Recently, my mother visited from Arizona. Every time we went shopping, she’d remark about how much cheaper things were in Arizona, telling me she could never afford to live here. Food, clothes, gas, grocery stores, department stores, the price of a movie ticket, medicines. Everything! The prices here are already way too high and many of us struggle.

Might be why we have the largest homeless population – people who have been priced out of the market.

Now, California wants to make it even higher, despite already being one of the most heavily taxed states in the country. For decades, the liberals in California have used children and schools to bolster their tax revenue.

Always the children.

Because who can say no to a better education for our young people?

California is once again playing on our heart-strings, and appealing to the egos of the more simple-minded virtue-signalers.

Does that extra revenue go towards better education, or do our elected officials play bait and switch with our tax dollars…again?

With all we pay in taxes, with schools used as the reason to frequently raise tax rates, how is it possible that in 2017, California was rated 10th from the bottom in education?

Kind of makes a person wonder how all that tax money is actually being spent. Especially when California is one of the top four highest taxed states!

When they target big businesses, they target all of us who rely on those businesses for products and insurance and consumables. When they are taxed higher, the price of daily living for all of us goes up! The big businesses, to survive the tax increase, raise prices or face going out of business. It always happens this way. It effects us every week at the grocery store, gas pumps, etc.

Petitions for a property tax change are coming to a grocery store near you. Here’s what to know

A measure headed for California’s 2020 ballot would raise property taxes on large business properties. Known as the “split roll” measure, it would undo part of state tax law approved under Proposition 13.

Just because you don’t own property here doesn’t mean you escape the higher property tax. If you live in an apartment complex? Rents need go up to cover the cost of the huge tax increase. The businesses don’t, and many can’t, pay it out of their own pockets; to survive, they collect the difference from us. WE pay it!

Unfortunately, the majority of voters in California have already shown themselves inept when it comes to the ballot box, making us the laughingstock of the country with such people as Xavier Becerra and Gavin Newsom, voting in the likes of Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, etc., electing and re-electing those who have made California such an expensive place to live, while portions of our cities are taken over by homeless encampments, with many such homeless residents already priced out of the market!

Just take a look at what the Left has done to California already, and where they are trying to take the rest of the country, the article is below”:???❤???

The “Green New Deal” From AOC & What America Will Look Like If She Gets Her Way.

Take a look at home pricing in other states, A moderate sizes home in CA that runs $650,000 to $750,000, is about $160,000 to $$200,000 in states like Texas and Arizona (the two states I’ve checked so far). Rent here is already insane. A shoebox apartment that charges $2000/month, seems to run around $500-$1,000 in other states.

With our extremely high prices for housing, gas, food and clothing here, aren’t we already paying enough?!!

Does California need this extra chunk we will all pay every year if this tax is approved, under the guise of helping schools and local government? And if approved for schools, will it actually go to help our children? Typically, when California uses our children to pump us for more money, it ends up elsewhere. Why else would we be in the bottom 10 for education in the nation?

Or is California so inept at managing our tax dollars that no amount will ever satisfy the insane spending practices California is known for across the country?

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