Come On, Drain The Swamp Already!

Donald John Trump ran on a clearly stated platform of “draining the swamp.” For anyone who has not been paying attention, “draining the swamp” is about stopping the rampant corruption within our own government.

Donald Trump January 2017

A good example of government corruption is the pay-to-play schemes where a government official or his family gets rich from a corporation or foreign government while those paying the money get special treatment from our government, usually at the tax payers’ expense.

Stopping government corruption was and is one of Trump’s main concerns. And it should be a concern to all of us. It affects us all. Over 60 million American voters apparently agreed with Trump when they cast their votes for Trump at the ballot box.


Those who’ve been using the power of their government position to enrich themselves and their families through backdoor deals and pay-to-play schemes, were surely squirming in their seats and have been since Trump won the election. And rightfully so. Trump made it clear as he ran for office that he intended to find every one of them who has abused their power and put a stop to the crimes they’ve been committing against the American people.

But now we have a group of people within our own government attempting to overthrow an election, usurp the power of the presidency, while using their political power to destroy democracy, in an all or nothing attempt to cover government corruption. They want us to believe that if someone “may” become the political rival of Trump in this next election, that person must be deemed untouchable.


Consider this: Biden isn’t a nominee. He’s simply a hopeful along with several others. And still they’ve already decided that Biden is Trump’s White House rival, framing it this way deliberately. If Trump attempts to stop or expose Biden’s corruption by the same means legally afforded to him to stop any such corruption in the interest of the American people, the House has decided not only must that not be allowed, but it’s now an impeachable offense.

They want us to believe that, after months of Trump campaigning on a platform to stop government corruption, any wrong-doing by a Democrat hopeful must go unchecked. And if Trump pursues it through the normal channels as President, the swamp wants us to believe it is only for the sake of personal gain and has nothing to do with Trump’s frequently repeated campaign promises to drain the swamp.


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It gets worse. Those involved in this political coup are setting it up to keep their own crimes hidden. Once this hearing is over and if Trump maintains his presidency, any investigation of corruption that leads to any of these crafty individuals will be called “revenge.” They’ve created a wall of protection around themselves.

So how has the swamp circled the wagons to protect themselves from prosecution for their corruption?

Through impeachment, of course. They’ve decided to change the rules, and decided to lie. A lot. If a lie is repeated enough times, some people are fooled into believing it. And in pitting themselves against the president this way, they feel safe. They have become untouchable. Anything said against them will be attributed to sour grapes and label it revenge. They feel they can hold their heads high and escape the consequences of their actions—the whole treasonous lot.

The lie they’re telling us now is that a sitting US President looking into government corruption is an impeachable offense.

Think about that for a moment.

Trump ran on a platform of stopping government corruption. And those corrupt individuals are spitting in the face of the American people, hiding behind a series of carefully crafted lies designed to protect them from any potential prosecution as long as Trump lives in The White House.

The House Democrats have manipulated the system to protect the guilty, pouncing full force on anyone who threatens to expose their game.

#DrainTheSwamp; That is What This Impeachment Hoax Has Always Been About

They’ve repeated this lie over and over again until some people actually believe its true. Those House Democrats don’t want us to remember Trump’s campaign promise to drain the swamp, but are desperately trying to convince us that Biden’s pay-to-play scheme involving his son, unlike other government corruption, isn’t the national concern that it actually is. These people expect us to believe that the sole purpose of Trump suggesting the investigation into Hunter Biden and Burisma is simply to destroy a political rival.

Some believe that if the House Democrats knew Biden had done no wrong, they’d not be so panicked about an investigation. This may be true. But it’s more than that. We have many sitting in power right now who have played the same self-enrichment games at America’s expense, and if these politicians don’t find a way to use the power of their office to stop Trump now, they fear they may be next.

Since when does being a political rival exempt a person from a corruption investigation? What makes Joe Biden so special that his bad behavior has been deemed untouchable, and considered so unimportant to national security that Biden’s misuse of power has no impact on the American people?

If a district attorney was given credible information that the man running against him to be the next DA had committed murder, the sitting DA would still be obligated to launch an investigation, using the power of his office to investigate it thoroughly. Just as he’d use the power of his office to investigate any other serious crime, by any other person. As the Democrats like to frequently say when it serves their agenda: No one is above the law. But somehow they’ve created a scenario where Joe Biden is above the law, as well as all the rest of the Democrats in Congress.

We don’t stop doing our jobs simply because the person in question is a political rival. Being a political rival does not provide someone with a free pass to commit crimes unchallenged.

Neither does such an investigation into potential crimes against America make it a personal vendetta or for personal gain. From the very beginning Trump made it clear that stopping government corruption was important for this country’s political institution to survive.

And when Trump attempts to make good on his campaign promise? The House Democrats twisted it around to protect themselves and their political buddies.

If the investigation President Trump had suggested to Zelinsky was about Hunter Smith or Joe Johnson, do you think we would be sitting here subjected to this farce of an impeachment trial?


So, again: What makes Joe Biden so special? Why must he be exempt from the consequences of his behavior, when any typical US citizen must expect to face the consequences of his or her behavior?

Biden’s staunch defenders apparently fear Biden is the first of many. They’re squirming in their seats. They’re determined to keep their own crimes from being exposed, scared and desperate enough to push for Trump’s. removal from office by any means necessary.

If the House Democrats win in their attempt to remove a sitting president in this manner, democracy loses. And the worst nightmares of our founding fathers will have come true.

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