Covid-19 antibody testing seems to show a vivid picture of the reality of the Novel Coronavirus in the US.

The theory that Covid-19 has been in the United States much earlier than the first…

Between 5,000 and 8,000 blood serum, fecal, urine, viral and respiratory samples arrive six days a week from U.S. Air Force hospitals and clinics worldwide, as well as some other Department of Defense facilities, for analysis at the Epidemiology Laboratory Service, also known as the "Epi Lab" at the 711th Human Performance Wing’s United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine and Public Health at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio.The lab is a Department of Defense reference laboratory offering clinical diagnostic, public health, and force health screening and testing. (U.S. Air Force photo by J.M. Eddins Jr.)

The theory that Covid-19 has been in the United States much earlier than the first confirmed case has been floating around almost since that confirmation. People all over the country heard the symptoms being described as respiratory issues with negative flu tests, and started questioning their own issues.

I am one of those people. I am not talking about any of the conspiracy theories out there. I am talking about 3 diagnosed upper respiratory infections with negative flu and strep from the week after Thanksgiving through the end of February. Fever, shortness of breath, dry cough, five cases of pink eye throughout, muscle and joint aches, pressure when breathing, and just a serious “sick” feeling was my daily life for weeks within that time frame. I tried to get a Covid-19 test, but my state did not have many (quite a few cities had no tests at all). I was never able to be tested, but I wonder everyday.

With all of that in mind, I have decided I want an antibody test. There is only one place in our area of the state (the entire southern half) testing for the antibodies. It is the rapid Covid-19 test that detects the antibodies. The test is not covered by insurance at this time, but it is only $50. I think that $50 is worth my peace of mind. So I am waiting for them to get their next round of tests in, and I will be tested. When I get those test results, I will update this story.

News like in this article, convinces me that not only do we all need to have the antibody test, but that we are right. Covid-19 has been here longer than the first confirmed case. Antibody testing needs to become a part of our new norm here in the United States.

Coronavirus antibody testing finds Bay Area infections may be 85 times higher than reported: researchers

The researchers claim their findings suggest that between 48,000 and 81,000 people in Santa Clara County had been infected with COVID-19 by April 1, while the total number of confirmed cases was less than 1,000.

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