DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: American Mainstream Media

As most of us know by now, the mainstream news media has been a leading force for backing the Democrat Party. In effect, they’ve turned journalism into The Democrat Party Fan Club.

While pretending to report the unvarnished truth, most have united to become one big propaganda machine, attempting to brainwash the masses with anti-Trump messages and anti-America rhetoric.

The mainstream news media aka “Democrat Party Fan Club” has been attempting to lead us down the rabbit hole for quite some time.

Their withholding of certain damning information on their “favored” group of people (ie Democrats) can be every bit as deceitful and destructive to this nation as their deliberately fudging the numbers and at times outright lying about those “unfavored” Republicans, who they see as their political rival and enemy. This was evidenced by their handling of the immigrant children in “cages” stories.

The Gargian:

It was front page news briefly … until it was discovered that those photos of children in “cages” were taken during the Obama administration. Then suddenly, it stopped being news. It became irrelevant, except to the few who kept pushing it as a Trump policy, despite the evidence to the contrary.

It was Obama who was guilty of that mess, not Trump. But while the Obama administration “caged” children, what did we hear from the mainstream news media? Crickets.

They want us all to view Republicans as our enemy, too. It’s their mission. That mission dictates which stories are newsworthy and which ones should be considered DOA (dead on arrival).

Anyone who pays attention, knows this is true. Not until the election coverage and subsequent coverage of President Donald Trump did I realize how bad it had become.

If you’ve not noticed this yet, try this simple challenge: Sit in the audience while President Trump speaks—or if that’s not possible, watch an unredacted video as he speaks—before listening to any news report on the event. Form your own opinion of what you see and hear based only on what you see and hear for yourself, ignoring any past prejudices from previous news anchors and other leftists. Then, turn on CNN or MSNBC, and listen how it’s taken so out of context as to create one very nasty anti-Trump picture.

That’s exactly what opened my eyes, and the eyes of many now woke people. After attending a Trump rally a few years back, I turned on CNN and was shocked as they pretended to report on that same rally. It was as bad or worse than Adam Schiff’s after-the-fact, self-proclaimed “parody” of the July phone call, where he opened the impeachment inquiry by pretending to read the actual transcript, but instead read one lie after another. His “version” bore no resemblance to the actual transcript. None. Which is why when Schiff was called on the lies, he labeled it “parody.”

Take A Look: ???❤???

Since when is it acceptable to start something as serious as an impeachment hearing with “parody?”

It’s not.

And never should be.

Had there been any meat to the real transcript, Schiff would have read it aloud, instead of resorting to his make believe “parody.”

When you read a newspaper or watch “the news” on TV, most people have learned that you can’t expect the unbiased truth anymore. Not when our journalists are in bed with one side, and out to destroy the other.

So can we—should we—believe anything they say?

Who is left to tell us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Not CNN or even Fox News. Fox may have some good commentary shows, but their actual news segments are usually anchored by anti-Trumpers who deliberately word things in such a way as to completely bastardize the truth, making it clear that they want nothing more than to make the audience hate our president as much as they do.

How I’d love to see an oath administered to our journalists/news anchors, one similar to when we testify in court.

Since they have a special protection as journalists, they should also have special accountability. An oath, under penalty of perjury, might help to some degree.

Though as long as the same journalists have the same anti-Trump agenda, none can be trusted. Because, they cherry pick the stories, as well.

As long as these same people who manage and report on the news continue in their current positions, unfavorable stories regarding Democrats will be swept under the rug, such as the Epstein story, Biden’s role in Burisma, the sale of uranium to Russia, and the list goes on and on.

And, we can expect the twisting, the distortions, and the out-of-context video bites of Republicans to be aired, printed, and distributed North, East, West, and South.

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