Emenant Domain; The Taking of Private Property By Force. How Is This Right?

Sen. Nancy Skinner Introduces Bill to End Corporate Homes Being Left Vacant and Give Tenants, Cities Right of First Refusal

This new bill proposed from California Senetor Nancy Skinner sounds promising at first. A good way to help solve the California housing crisis.

Senate Bill 1079 is an attempt to reduce the number of vacant homes in California and give tenants the right of first refusal to buy foreclosed properties.

Sounds Great right? Long time tenants, instead of being forced to move because of a foreclosure, get the first chance to purchase the home they are living in. Hopefully at an affordable rate.

The real problem comes with the second part of the new bill…using “eminant domain” to virtually, and actually, take private property away from one person or company by force, and then sell it to someone else.

SB 1079 would also allow cities and counties to fine corporations that own multiple single-family homes for keeping housing vacant for more than 90 days and give local governments first rights on such vacant properties to use them for affordable housing.

So if someone has a few rental properties and they have organised their business into an LLC and their houses have been vacant for more than 90 days. The city or county can fine them and then take the property and sell or rent it out as affordable housing…

this is theft…plain and simple.

  • There is a huge homeless crisis in California.
  • Housing costs have skyrocketed
  • Liberal Big-Government policies have ruined many of it’s cities.
“Shining City” No More; California Ruined By Leftist Policies

It is hard for people there in California to find and pay for a rental or to buy a home for themselves. But that does not give “The State” the right to forcibly take your vacant property and give it to someone else. This is lawful theft and it is immoral.

Not only is it wrong, but it will kill the housing market even more than their policies already have. No one will want to buy properties to rent out, or want to invest their money in remodeling homes to resell them, or to finance the constructon of new homes in that city.

They would be taking a chance that if the home sits vacant for too long the city will fine them and take the property by force. Owners will begin to sell as fast as they can and take their money and run, to any other state to reinvest it. We will begin to see even more of a mass exodus out of California than we are seeing already.

The Government has no right to steal your property. None.

This is how Senator Skinner Justifies the legal theft on her website“The issue of corporations purchasing homes and leaving them vacant was raised by Moms 4 Housing when the group occupied a corporately owned vacant home in West Oakland.”

It is very sad that there are so many homeless families and vacant homes in California. Here is the story about the Moms 4 Housing “Sit In” with a homeless mother who moved into a vacant Oakland home and refused to leave even after a judge ordered them to leave the property. He gave them 5 days to vacate the home. This is a sad affair, but you have to remember this home did not belong to her. She did not rent or lease the property. In fact, she spent no money of her own on the property at all…this too is wrong…even if it does tug at our heart strings: https://www.kqed.org/news/11795419/judge-orders-homeless-mothers-to-leave-oakland-home

The Senator added that, “Moms 4 Housing shined a light on the fact that while over a 150,000 Californians are now homeless, right now in our own neighborhoods, there are more than 1 million vacant homes,” She said. “Many of these affordable homes were snatched up during a foreclosure by corporations who then kept the houses vacant or flipped them for hefty profits.”

Okay so let me get this straight, let’s see if I understand what happened here…you are saying that during a time when the leftist policies devistated the housing market and a lot of homes were foreclosed upon, smart investors began to purchase these homes to either rent or fix up and sell for more money than they baught them for, and brought much needed money into a struggling economy?

That is the way it is supposed to work

Welcome to The United States and the open & free market system. Welcome back to the world of reality…we’re happy you finally arrived.

These corporations and home owners aren’t making money if these homes sit vacant, they actually lose money. They would much rather rent or sell them. And it is their right to try and get the best deal for their property that they can. It is not the Government’s right, or its responsibility, to take these homes away from their rightful owners and reap the profit and bennifits of doing so…even if it is done to house the homeless.

The Senator’s website continued, According to the 2017 Census, the most recent complete data available, there were an estimated 1.1 million vacant homes in California.”

These are not abandoned, old dilapidated houses, and rental properties, that are blighted; giving the city the obligation to tear them down and build new affordable housing for their citizens. These are Homes that have just simply sat empty because the housing market has been devastated by the leftists in charge of these cities.

The site continued, “In the years after the foreclosure crisis, many corporations purchased foreclosed homes, particularly in economically distressed areas, and either kept the properties vacant or flipped them for much higher prices. Some corporations specifically target areas that restrict the creation of new housing, because as the housing crisis continues, homes in those communities deliver bigger profits for the companies.”

Again, these so called “unsavory, bad Corporations” spent their hard earned money in areas that desperately needed it the most, and bought cheep properties to “fix up” and sell for a profit…

…and this gives you the right to steal the properties from them and give or sell it to someone else? Especially after you not only steal the procedes from the owners but fine them because their properties were vacant in the first place? This is incredibly insane.

Welcome to the USSR-California.

I think, California has forgotten the “Republic” part from their flag.

This is how a communist country acts towards its citizens…not a free country, the freest of countries, founded and defined by liberty…

what is happening here?

Below is the article from the Senator’s website…if you’re interested…

Sen. Nancy Skinner Introduces Bill to End Corporate Homes Being Left Vacant and Give Tenants, Cities Right of First Refusal

Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, introduced today Senate Bill 1079 to reduce the number of vacant homes in California and give tenants the right of first refusal to buy foreclosed properties.

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