Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Stay In USA Is A Crime

The US Supreme Court recently tossed a judgement back to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding relaxing the criminality of encouraging illegal aliens to enter or remain in the USA.

Translation: At least for now, it is still illegal to encourage illegal aliens to enter or remain in the USA. That, however, may change if the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals gets its way.

Does this law apply to the politicians who promise illegal aliens incentives such as DACA, free or subsidized housing, jobs, Welfare payments, free or subsidized education, and the plethora of other tax-payer funded benefits that we extend to our legal citizens, including tax-payer subsidized or free healthcare?

Encouraging illegals to remain in U.S. is crime, Supreme Court rules | WND | by Around the Web

(DAILY CALLER) The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a federal statute that forbids encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. unlawfully in a decision Thursday. The Supreme Court justices voided an earlier decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which had ruled that a federal anti-harboring statute was unconstitutional on the grounds that it…

This begs the question: Does this law make it a crime for people like Nancy Pelosi to insist a portion of our COVID stimulus money go into the pockets of illegal aliens? A crime for politicians like CA Governor Gavin Newsom, who makes California a sanctuary state for illegal aliens? These things certainly are incentives for those here illegally to remain in the country. And beckons others to come here illegally, as well.

Free money, protection from deportation, and other benefits are definitely incentives.

Is Pelosi ( and those like her) ignoring our laws in order to garner votes and retain their political power?

Why can a politician offer incentives for illegal aliens to enter this country and stay, when it’s a crime? Aren’t these benefits that certain political “leaders” demand we extend to illegal aliens exactly that? “Incentives” for them to come here illegally and to remain?


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