Evidence? What Evidence? If You Don’t See It Here, You’re Either A Moron Or Complicit.

Since the election we have heard a ton about the election, election fraud, Hunter and his “Laptop from Hell” filled with alledged child porn…etc. But most of all, we have heard that Joe Biden is President. We’ve been told that you better not deny it or else, and that there is not “any evidence of wide-spread voter fraud.” So what else have we heard and what do we know? Below is all the proof we at The RightWay have gathered from around the internet.

Let’s start out with where are people getting their information from. Is the mainstream news bellowing out through your living room TV, or are you sitting at the dining room table with the morning paper? – Does anyone actually still do that? Did they ever, or was that just something we saw on TV, paid for by the press to sell Newspapers and make themselves feel more relevant?

Well, since one of the last beacons of hope for consrvative news, Fox, decided to join the dark side, people have been jumping ship, to anywhere they could find, by the millions. They have been banned and blocked by Facebook and Twitter and they have had quite enough lecturing from the social elite about, well, everything. So they have flocked to a, before all this, little known platform called Parler. (parlay)


“no, parlay”

“Butter” … sorry silly joke. If you’re old enough to remember the commercial, you will get that.

5 million people have now Joined the free speech platform in a single week, 2 million of those in just one day. And Fox news, Twitter, and Facebook, have been hemeriging conservative viewers like an episode of one of the fourteen medical shows on TV, Weird right? How many hospital and cop shows do we really need anyway?

Anyway back to it. So Parler is fantastic, if you haven’t joined yet you should. It is like joining an extended family you never even knew you had. But one of the best parts is that all your favorite news and conservative voices are there and you get real and up to date analysis on what is really going on in the world right now…unfiltered and freely. The way it is meant to be.

Is there some spin out there? Sure there is, some misinformation too…the same way its been spread to the masses for generations. But its all there on that soap box in the virtual town square, out in the open for you to look at, sift through, digest, spit out the bad seeds, then rinse and repeat. You acctually get to decide what news is fake news, what speech is hate speech. What info is real or made up, & what or who is credible you decide what facts are real and who you can believe – not some nerds sitting behind a desk in silicon valley. You get to decide….for yourself.

This is what it feels like to live in America again.

Now that all that is out of the way, lets get to some news, and the non-election election. We continually hear the left say, that there is no there, there. That there is no real evidence of any wide spread voter fraud. But as I have said before, just a single fraudulent vote is too much, there doesn’t have to be wide spread fraud to make the election fraudulent. We must be able to feel like the process is on the up and up, and that our votes count. Or our democracy is dead…however there is some evidence of widespread fraud and we have gathered some of it here for you to look at all in one place. Take a look.?? This is a lot to go through, so take your time and bare with me.


Hundreds of thousands of filled out ballots, trucked from USPS Facility in New York to Pennsylvania before election – then dissappear

Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots Were Shipped from New York to Pennsylvania – So who Was Behind This? | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft

Yesterday it was reported in an explosive press conference by the Amistad Project that hundreds of thousands of ballots were shipped from New York to Pennsylvania. How could this happen and who was behind it?

After recent hearings and new citizens coming forward, Sharyl Attkisson has an updated election 2020 list of all the fraud. Take a look at her new article below, then read the rest of what we have collected here at The RightWay.

(VIDEO) From GA. Shows After poll Monitors & Media Were Told Counting Was Done, Workers Stayed To Count Ballots From Suitcases Underneath Tables.

GOP Poll Watcher: Unable to Challenge Ballots That Ultimately Went for Democrats

A Michigan GOP poll challenger claimed she was not able to challenge ballots on Election Day at the TCF Center in Detroit, a vote-tabulation center that has been flagged for numerous alleged violations by observers and witnesses.

Lets start out with Tucker Carlson and The dead people who voted in 2020. Carlson provided the names of several people who voted from the afterlife. He bagan by stating that “right now there are less than 15,000 votes separating Trump from Biden in the State of Georgia.” That is an incredibly small margin and a very important race.

The Georgia Secretary of State has declared that there will be a hand-count of every vote there. In my opinion we should do this in every state. Carlson showed an old black and white picture of a beautiful young lady named Deborah Jean Christianson. He said “everyone who knew her were sad, when she died last may” but that “they may have been surprised to learn that even after her death she still managed to register to vote and then cast a ballot. “Presumably for Joe Biden” he added.

“in some ways its an inspiring story the triumph of voting over death.”

Tucker Carlson

Then there is the story of James Blaylock of Covington Georgia. A mail man for 33 years until he passed away in 2006. Who tucker says, neither rain nor snow, nor gloom of night…not even death could stop him from from mailing in his ballot in last week’s election. But these aren’t the only ones who crossed back over to vote for Biden, there were many others. Watch Tucker’s video below:?

Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit. According to Jay Solomon @ Just The News. Early witnesses who signed affidavits range from a longtime city worker to a former assistant attorney general.

Solomon reported that “Several Michigan residents — ranging from a city worker to a former state assistant attorney general — swear under penalty of perjury they witnessed significant and widespread election tampering in the city of Detroit.”

And by significant, they insist thousands of ballots were involved.

These are not just angry losers that have made up stories for the attention. They are hard working honest and respectable people. Who have sworn they are telling the truth about what they saw.

Solomon says,

“Take, for instance, longtime city of Detroit employee Jessy Jacob, who provided among the most startling accounts.

Jacob stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed — and in some cases was instructed — to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Vote File and had not arrived by the deadline.

“On November 4, 2020, I was instructed to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots receive date that were not in the QVF as if they had been received on or before November 3, 2020,” she testified. “I was told to alter the information in the QVF to falsely show that the absentee ballots had been received in time to be valid. I estimate that this was done to thousands of ballots.”

Jessy Jacob

Just The News reviewed more than a dozen affidavits filed in various election challenge lawsuits in Michigan. All witnesses, like Jacob, signed the affidavits and had them notarized, making them subject to Michigan’s perjury law.

Jacob described how she was assigned to work the city’s election back in September and for weeks witnessed systemic election fraud and tampering with voters at multiple locations.

Here are a few the other affidavits if you want to review them for yourself.

Graham Allan shared a post on Parler with this video: it shows apparent “election workers” gathering what they say are election ballots, reportedly after the election cut off date.


This video proves the Dems cheated!!! I can’t believe it?!?!


ECHO for the world to see NOW!!!

Graham Allen via Parler:

Take a look at this video that was shared on YouTube A group called ShutDown DC hosts a Zoom Chat training session for federal employees on how to subtly use their official capacity for activism and slowing down of government to aid outside actions. After watching this video, it is hard to accept that they wouldn’t do anything, even voter fraud, to win the election there for the Democrats. This is dirty dirty politics and it has been played there for decades. And they don’t just have it down to an art but a science.

The Gateway Pundit reported a BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden

They said, “We’ve reported on numerous events identified in the 2020 election already which are being referred to as ‘glitches’ by the Democrats. Tonight we just uncovered another ‘glitch’ in…We’ve reported on numerous events identified in the 2020 election already which are being referred to as ‘glitches’ by the Democrats.  Tonight we just uncovered another ‘glitch’ in Wisconsin. When this one is confirmed it will result in a 19,500 vote gain for Trump making the Wisconsin race a total toss-up.

Take a look at the article below from them. They have uncovered these “glitches” in multiple states now where the “dominion” software was used in voting machines.

They claim that “There is now a pattern of events we have uncovered across the country where votes are being taken from Republicans at all levels and transferred to competing Democrats in offsetting amounts.  These are not random because in every case votes are moved from Republicans to Democrats.”

We reported first on a system glitch, as it was labeled, in Michigan which switched 6,000 votes back to President Trump. ” they added and shared the following link to that article

BREAKING: Michigan ‘Computer Glitch’ Fixed, Switching 6,000 Votes from Biden to President Trump – GOP Demands 47 More Counties Corrected

A so-called computer ‘glitch’ fix in one of Michigan’s counties has led to 6,000 votes switching from Joe Biden to President Trump.  The Head of the Republican Party has asked for an additional 47 counties be recounted after the fix. A so-called computer glitch has been uncovered in Michigan today and it resulted in swapping…”

Scribber News also reported it via Twitter:

The software that was used in Anterim county was also used in 47 other counties in the state. And as it turns out it was used in several other states. Convenient that all the votes from the “glitch” all went to Biden? Right?

Then another example was uncovered in Oakland County Michigan where again a Republican won his race as a result this glitch being reversed. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/huge-corrupted-software-used-michigan-county-stole-6000-votes-trump-also-used-swing-states-uses-chinese-computer-parts-machines/

Then the Gateway Pundit reported that in Pennsylvania a ‘glitch’ was uncovered where nearly 20,000 votes were moved from President Trump to Biden.

When this is confirmed it will result Biden’s lead being cut by 40,000 votes in Pennsylvania bringing this race back to even:

This is not random glitches, these are more than coincidence. Then they also found approximately 6,000 votes which were taken from Trump and moved to Biden in Georgia due to a ‘glitch’: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/mess-system-glitches-favoring-democrats-becoming-epidemic-across-swing-states-incidents-identified-today/

Read their full report below and see for yourself then come back for more proof of voter fraud and election interference that we have gathered together below that.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft

We’ve reported on numerous events identified in the 2020 election already which are being referred to as ‘glitches’ by the Democrats. Tonight we just uncovered another ‘glitch’ in Wisconsin. When this one is confirmed it will result in a 19,500 vote gain for Trump making the Wisconsin race a total toss-up.

More articles with info about “The Glitch”

Then Joe Pags, from the Joe Pags Show, did an interview with Dave Kallman of the Great Lakes Justice Center, where they found Wide Spread Fraud in Michigan on Election Day. Watch the Rumble video — “Attorney Dave Kallman files a case alleging massive voter fraud in Michigan on Election Day. Wait until you hear his evidence from people who were actually working the polls!” Again not just some guy off the street. This is real. He speaks about the whistleblower Jesse Jacob who we told you about earlier. And other wittnesses who have come forward.

Then take a look at this video from Newsmax below. You won’t believe what they’re doing in Pennsylvania | Rep. speaks out.

This again is not just some Joe Shmo this is a United States Congressman from PENNSYLVANIA: Congressman Guy Reschenthaler comments on what he’s seen at voting locations and in ballot counting processes in the days following the presidential election, and what he feels should be done to stop and correct it. – with Newsmax TV’s Shaun Kraisman

There was also the Philadelphia Ballot Observer Who Criticizes Transparency of Counting Process

PHILADELPHIA—Ballot observer Brian McCafferty became so disillusioned with the lack of access he and others were afforded during the ballot-counting process in the cavernous Pennsylvania Convention Center that he recorded a video on Nov. 5.

The video went viral after he sent it to a friend who posted it on Twitter. Hours later, McCafferty was escorted from the building for recording the video and banned from re-entering. Large signs in the area ban photography and videography. But can we really blame this guy for needing to get the Truth out to the voters? Take a look at the full story below:


Then Matt Schlapp posted on Parler ·@Mschlapp 3 days ago·

He said, “Nevada election officials have completely dropped the ball – Deceased individuals have had ballots cast on their behalf -Underage people voted in Nevada and At least 9,000 non-Nevadans voted in Nevada #Election2020.

Watch his press conference below:

The Gateway Pundit also commented on the presser, quoting Matt Schlapp.

A second whistleblower, we have not mentioned before, describes leaving on his lunch hour and walking around the counting center. While he was walking he notice a van pulled up at the center marked Biden Harris. The doors of the van opened. Ballots were clearly visible. Ballots were opened with letter openers. And ballots were filled in an resealed in envelopes. These people who were involved in this activity then decided to create a human shield around what they were doing in the van.

Matt Schlapp

Then there was this video on Rumble — One of our volunteers in Pontiac MI was outside a polling location when a Democrat operative approached her with a sample D ballot and offered her $5 to vote for Joe Biden.

“Now how much would you pay” he says in a low announcer’s voice, “Don’t answer now, wait there’s more…”

Breitbart news reported that The Trump Campaign Seeks Public Records in Clark County Nevada as Part of Election Challenge. As a voter here in Las Vegas I have some vetted interest here. It matters to me whether or not my vote actually counted ot not. And an invalid or illegal vote here voids my valid legal vote. I won’t stand for that. Would you?

Breitbart said that In a Friday letter to the Clark County Election Department, a firm representing Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. requested a trove of election data as part of his campaign’s overall legal challenges related to election integrity.

The letter contains requests for records, documents, and communications on the number of mail-in ballots received by the department after 7 p.m. PST on Election Day, as well as how many votes were cast after that time “by those voting in person at the polls.

”On Saturday, a whistleblower in Nevada who processed mail-in ballots swore an affidavit proclaiming that he witnessed “illegitimate processing of ballots as an election worker.”

Specifically, he claimed he witnessed individuals counting mail-in ballots without verifying signatures.

“He says he was also told to ignore discrepancies with addresses. That worker has sworn out an affidavit which has been sent to the Department of Justice here in Washington,” Fox News’s John Roberts reported.

“A Trump campaign attorney says of that, quote, ‘The affidavit makes clear that we’re not dealing with oversights or sloppiness. This was intentional criminal conduct,’” he said:

This is a Nevada State election worker who has come forward and testified under penalty of perjury that he wittnessed first hand this election fraud here in Clark County. Take a look at what the Nevada GOP posted about it on Twitter.

A report from American Military News shows Pics: of a US ambassador who shows her vote wasn’t counted and her 5-year dead husband received a ballot

The current U.S. Ambassador to Denmark, Carla Sands, raised a pair of issues with the 2020 election when she tweeted on Sunday that her vote was not counted and that her husband, who has been deceased for five years, has continued to receive a ballot in the last three elections, including this one.Sands’ tweets, taking issue with the 2020 election, come after several news outlets on Saturday called the presidential race for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, and as President Donald Trump and his team have raised concerns about illegal votes being counted.

Here’s her Tweet:

The man dubbed “America’s Mayor” after 9/11 long time friend and now personal attorney of Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani went on Comedian, and Talk Show Host Steven Crowders show, to discuss all the Legal battles that are on the way. This is a great interview entertaining as always, but also a lot of great information that is full of facts – not like the leftist Spin on some other network shows. Take a look:

Here’s a really crazy one…how about a DOG voting in the election? ?…hmm.

I think we’ll just let that one speak for itself.

And what about this video that was shared in an article from a StoneColdTruth.com about voter fraud.

They reported that In Michigan, the vote “inexplicably” jumped up over 130,000 votes for Biden in the middle of the night, without a single new vote for Trump. In this Facebook video, one of the Detroit ballot counters says that they were ready to go home when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler, and a Ferrari, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots. In her own words, “Every single ballot, literally 100% of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time.”

Here is their full article with even more instances of voter fraud videos and other information.


It was also discussed here in The Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/michigan-poll-watcher-scene-republicans-allegedly-witnessed-suspicious-vehicles-dropping-off-ballots/

Here’s another great article from NewsMax. True Electoral Count Shows Trump Winning

And what about This?


And there’s this WATCH Below – WOMAN INSIDE POLLING AREA HAS BEEN FILLING OUT BLANK BALLOTS FOR OVER AN HOUR AND STAMPING THEM if there is a valid reason for anyone to be filling in ballot after ballot while working in a polling/counting center, we can’t find one. And there are many many videos showing this stuff in almost every state.?

Then we still haven’t heard who the ballots were filled out for when these two men were caught, by an anonymous tip, trying to deliver fake ballots to a polling center…it seems to have fallen from the headlines…is it possible this happened all over the country, and this is just the only time they were caught? ?


St. Louis, Missouri breaking and local news updates from KMOV News 4

And then there is the case in Michigan where the Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is accused of letting ‘partisan operatives’ influence election.

From the Article – A group of Michigan voters are suing Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson on claims she’s allowed “partisan operatives” to dole out millions of dollars in private money for get-out-the-vote initiatives in select Democratic cities and counties ahead of the Nov. 3 election.The lawsuit, filed Monday in the Michigan Court of Claims, alleges the Chicago-based Center for Tech and Civic Life gave money to county and local clerks in the battleground state to print and distribute absentee ballots and mail-in ballots and add drop boxes. The goal was to increase ballots cast “in only certain urban and predominantly Democratic precincts” and “selectively influence the outcome of the 2020 general election,” according to the filing.

Benson accused of letting ‘partisan operatives’ influence election

Lawsuit alleges Center for Technology and Civic Life gave $5.9M to Michigan clerks in urban and Democratic precincts

From The Daily Wire – A new report points out that an executive branch agency called the Wisconsin Election Commission issued a directive in October telling local county election clerks that they can “fix” ballots by filling in missing addresses for witnesses.

According to one former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, the policy, which has been in place since October 2016, may violate a Wisconsin law requiring ballots to have a witness address to be validated.

Wisconsin Statute 6.87(6d) states, “If a certificate is missing the address of a witness, the ballot may not be counted.”

But in August, the Wisconsin Elections Commission issued a memo telling clerks they could fill in the address of the voter:

Wisconsin Election Commission Directive Allows Clerks To ‘Fix’ Ballots [UPDATED]

This article has been updated to include more context about the directive as well as the commission’s defense of its policy. A new report points out that an executive branch agency called the Wisconsin Election Commission issued a directive in October telling local county election clerks that they can “fix” ballots by filling in missing addresses for witnesses.

And what about this from the Gateway Pundit?

“This Felt Like a Drug Deal!” – Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit Describes Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM (VIDEO)

A story on Breitbart shows that Georgia’s top election official is dispatching a team of investigators after a ballot “issue” was discovered in one of the counties most responsible for giving former Vice President Joe Biden the lead over President Trump.

While Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) did not reveal the nature of the issue with the ballots, he did announce late Saturday that investigators were headed to State Farm Arena in Fulton County to “secure the vote and protect all legal votes.”

and in a remarkable study they found that the 2020 Rejection Rate of Pennsylvania Mail-in Ballots Over 25 Times Lower Than in 2016. They hardly found any of those ballots that could not be counted.


These things cannot just be ignored or blown off as fake news. If there really was absolutely no evidence like the mainstream media networks are telling us, then what is all this? Whhere did all these credible people come from? This is evidence that something is just not right here. And unless we wait until all the legal votes are counted and all the court cases have been settled then Creepy Uncle Joe, is NOT OUR PRESIDENT. There hasn’t been one certified state result that says he is. And the media does not choose who our President is. THE ELECTORATES DO. It is very simple and easy to see. We have collected more and continue to do so. So keep looking to The RightWay site, as we bring you up to date info about what is happening in the election.

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