Iran to Resume Enrichment at Underground Site

Iran plans to start enriching uranium at an underground facility Wednesday, Tehran officials said, They are ignoring the 2015 nuclear deal as both Trump and Israel’s Netanyahu, said they would. This could be the excuse the US, Isreal, and Europe need to finally take action against the rogue regime.

In a Tweet, Iranian Ambassador said that iran has made the decision to begin infusing UF6 Gas into Uranium at their Fordow Nuclear Facility. The

Permanent Mission of I.R.Iran to UN-Vienna on Twitter: “Amb @Gharibabadi: After President @HassanRouhani’s statement and the order to the AEOI to commence gas injection in Fordow, an official letter has been sent to the IAEA announcing that the injection of UF6 gas to centrifuges in Fordow will commence tomorrow… / Twitter”

Amb @Gharibabadi: After President @HassanRouhani’s statement and the order to the AEOI to commence gas injection in Fordow, an official letter has been sent to the IAEA announcing that the injection of UF6 gas to centrifuges in Fordow will commence tomorrow…

The Wallstreet Journal reports:

“From tomorrow, we will take the new and fourth step,”

“The fourth step is reversible like the other three steps. Anytime, they [the U.S. and Europe] fully return to their commitments, we will return to our full commitment too.”

President Hassan Rouhani reportedly said, based on report from the Iranian state news agency IRNA.

The United States State Department has not as yet issued an official response to President Rouhani’s comments nor has  the United Nations atomic agency.

The Daily Caller reported that Iran, a few days ago, on the 40th anniversary of the 1979 hostage crisis (a siege at our embassy there in Iran, that lasted 444 days and It ended on President Regan’s inauguration day as over $8 billion dollars worth of sanctions were released,) announced they would break the 2015 agreement:

Iran has, once again, violated terms of the 2015 Iranian nuclear agreement, an Iranian official indicated Monday.

The news comes as Iran celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Nov. 4, 1979, siege of the U.S. embassy in Tehran, The Associated Press reported Monday.

Tehran is now operating 60 IR-6 advanced centrifuges — twice as many as the country was previously known to be operating, the AP reported, citing comments the head of Iran’s nuclear program, Ali Akbar Salehi, said on state TV.

The IR-6 centrifuges are in violation of Iran’s nuclear agreement with France, the U.K., China, Russia and Germany. President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the pact in 2018.

The IR-6 centrifuges have the capacity to produce enriched uranium 10 times faster than the 5,060 IR-1 centrifuges the agreement allowed Iran to use, according to AP. Tehran is also working on creating a a prototype centrifuge called IR-9 that can produce enriched uranium 50 times faster than the IR-1 centrifuges, Salehi said.

Department of State on Twitter: “The 40th anniversary of the U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran serves as a reminder of the long history of malign behavior by the regime in #Iran and the danger it has posed to the United States and the world over the past 40 years. / Twitter”

The 40th anniversary of the U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran serves as a reminder of the long history of malign behavior by the regime in #Iran and the danger it has posed to the United States and the world over the past 40 years.

Here is their story:???❤???

The Sanctions that the US has used agaisnt Iran have been crippling to their economy, (which is the whole idea) This may be an attempt to get those sanctions dropped like what happened in 1979. Announcing the revamping of their Uranium enrichment program on the 40th anniversary of the Iran Hostage Crisis seems to be a message that Iran is trying to gain some leverage on The US over those sanctions.

Wikipedia says, That over the years, sanctions have taken a serious toll on Iran’s economy. Since 1979, the United States has led international efforts to use sanctions to influence Iran’s policies, including Iran’s uranium enrichment program, which Western governments fear is intended for developing the capability to produce nuclear weapons.

Iran counters that its nuclear program is for civilian purposes, including generating electricity and medical purposes, but Benjamin Netanyahu debunked that claim, announcing to the world that Israeli Intelligence agents had found a secret nuclear Facility used to make and store nuclear weapons which of coursewent largely unreportedby the Mainstream mediaand irans allies around the world:

The fourth sanctions by the United States came into effect in November 2018, and were intended to force Iran to dramatically alter its policies in the region, including its support for militant groups in the region and its development of ballistic missiles.[16] In September 2019, a U.S. official stated that the United States will sanction whoever deals with Iran or purchases its oil.[17] Also in September 2019, in response to a suspected Iranian attack on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities, Trump said that he directed the Treasury Department to “substantially increase” sanctions on Iran. The new sanctions targeted the Iranian national bank

Trump and many in the US Government are not backing down, they are standing strong on sanctions against Iran, and are doubling down on ripping up the terrible 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal that iran has now violated: ???❤???

Senator Ted Cruz on Twitter: “Iran’s new violations are another reason the catastrophic Obama-Iran nuclear deal must be ripped up. @LindseyGrahamSC & I are working on bill doing that by eliminating the civil-nuclear waivers that allow Iran to build up its nuclear program. / Twitter”

Iran’s new violations are another reason the catastrophic Obama-Iran nuclear deal must be ripped up. @LindseyGrahamSC & I are working on bill doing that by eliminating the civil-nuclear waivers that allow Iran to build up its nuclear program.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter: “BREAKING: Republicans To Introduce Legislation To Dismantle Entire Iran Nuclear Deal / Twitter”

BREAKING: Republicans To Introduce Legislation To Dismantle Entire Iran Nuclear Deal

Trump is known for not backing down and always negotiating from a position of strength, so chances are this will be no different…which is exactly why he was elected in the first place.


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