John Stossel; Lessons From Africa

This is why we urge you here in America to #VoteRed2020.

Conservatives believe in Smaller, Limited Government, Lower Taxes, and Fewer Regulations on Business; which turns into profitable Expansion of Business, Marketplace Competitiveness, More Goods and Services at Lower Prices, More Jobs for More People, More Revinue back into Government and a Growing Economy.

#SocialismKills. Overly-Powerful Big Government, breeds Corruption, and Over-Regulation Stifles Business… but most of all, all these things together, kill Liberty, Justice and Freedom.

Watch this video from John Stossel:

Then listen to the part near the end of the video, where they are talking about US businesses who promote themselves, like one US shoe company does, by offering to send one pair of shoes to Africa for every pair baught here in the US…

it’s killing the shoe maker’s businesses in Africa.

I have always said that before we poor billions of dollars into Africa or any other Third World Countries, we need to take care of our Homless and Poverty-Stricken People in our own Country.

That may seem selfish…but just listen to this woman…it is more harmful to them to give them handouts.

Instead, we could take a tenth of that money, and help them create and maintain their own businesses…

that would help raise their entire country out of poverty!

Give a hungry man a fish, and he will eat for a day…but teach a man to fish, and he will never grow hungry again.

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