The entire country is outraged, along with those in every other country with a television or access to the Internet. We all watched in horror, our hearts breaking, while George Floyd’s last moments alive played over and over again on the screen. 

We watched as he lay dying, a police officer’s knee pressed into Mr. Floyd’s neck, pinning his neck at an awkward angle between the officer’s knee and the pavement. Mr. Floyd could barely get the words out that he could not breathe, as he lay on the asphalt, face mostly down, his hands cuffed behind his back rendering him harmless. 

Even as he stopped moving, stopped begging for his life, stopped pleading to be allowed to breathe, that knee remained. 

As did the other three officers who did nothing to stop this. 

The autopsy results are irrelevant. It doesn’t matter that Mr. Floyd had pre-existing conditions that may have contributed to his death. If a home invasion results in the elderly home owner dying of a heart attack due to the extreme stress, it’s still called murder. The catalyst is clear. We all know what caused Mr. Floyd’s life to end way too soon. 

Had the other officers intervened, had they acted with even the slightest of concern for Mr. Floyd’s welfare, he would likely be alive today. Instead, they did nothing, ignoring his final plea to let him breathe.  

When a man barely able to breathe begs for help, you help him. You take your damn knee off his throat and you help him.  And if you’re standing nearby while a fellow officer’s actions threaten the life of a handcuffed man who is laying on the ground harmless and dying, you stop it. 

The whole world watched. The whole world is angered. We demand justice for George Floyd. 

The tragedy, however,  didn’t end there. The anger and outrage is understandable. We all share in that anger. Some outsiders, however, are using this against the black community… to destroy the black community.

Reports are surfacing that as many as 70% of the looters arrested are not from the communities being looted.  

Unlike those noble men from our historical Boston Tea Party who protested the King’s taxes by tossing the taxed tea into the sea, in cities across the country, several outsiders who dress and act similar to ANTIFA have shown up to loot and destroy the businesses of innocent people, including small mom and pop shops.


They cannot allow the black community to have their peaceful protest in front of the world; they cannot allow this movement to succeed.  

They are the anarchists.

Walz: White supremacist groups, drug cartels suspected at Minneapolis riots, but reports still unconfirmed

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz says he suspects white supremacist groups and drug cartels are carrying out some of the violence in Minneapolis, but cannot confirm it at this time.

These people are not who you think they are.  Not who the TV news media is portraying them to be. Those tossing rocks and bricks through storefront windows, then disappearing off to the next business to do the same, appear to be mostly outsiders, instigators.

‘We don’t know these folks’: St. Paul mayor says protesters arrested were from out of state

St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter said that those who were arrested in his city during the protests over the death of George Floyd were all from out of state.

They entered the cities—some before the protests started— where peaceful protests where on-going, starting riots, inciting violence, inciting looting, so the very people we all stand in solidarity with during this tragedy, one that started with the barbaric treatment of George Floyd, will appear to be nothing more than thugs…

…While the true thugs are mostly “imports,” people with an agenda who are using this tragedy to degrade the black community in front of the entire world.

Businesses are being robbed, set afire, destroyed. If you’re keeping an eye on the posted internet videos as well as those delivered on our news channels, you’ll see almost two entirely different events playing out., depending which news channel you view.

The fake news would have us believe that people are doing this to their own cities. To some extent, this may be true after the protestors are riled and watch bricks being thrown and businesses set on fire, and the outsiders beckoning them to loot. Something sinister is in the mix. 

Where the two (TV and Internet video) meet, you’ll see the life’s work of many business owners—innocent people who’ve worked all their lives to maintain their small family businesses—destroyed. Innocent people, who have no idea how they’re going to pay for damages that far exceeds their insurance policies. Many of these innocent people may be dumped by their insurance companies as high risk, with no other company willing to insure them at an affordable rate. 

This means they have no alternative but to close up shop permanently, indebted for eternity as they can never work their way out of this disaster.  This means impoverished black communities. 

When justifiably angry at one or a handful of people, you don’t go and burn down your innocent neighbor’s barn. What does that solve other than depriving another innocent person of everything he’s worked a lifetime to build? 

We don’t do this to our own neighbors, neighborhoods and cities. If you’ve been paying attention to the videos posted online, you’ll see this is true. You’ll see the true thugs, many dressed similar to ANTIFA, light colored faces behind dark colored masks, wearing dark clothing, smashing storefront windows then moving on to the next business. 

It’s not our black communities starting this riot. They peacefully assembled, and they are not the ones starting this. 

They are, in video after video, the ones attempting to stop it and fix it.


FOX10 News Mobile Alabama, your trusted source for news covering the Alabama, Pensacola Florida and Mississippi Gulf Coast

Countless internet videos posted publicly show groups within the black community attempting to stop the looting and chase down the ANTIFA-appearing instigators, insisting they leave. 

You don’t put an innocent person out of business and destroy his life’s work. The overwhelming majority of the black community wouldn’t do that to their own neighbors. 

You don’t destroy and loot large stores in your own city whose shareholders may think twice about ever doing business in your city again, leaving your neighbors forced to drive great distances just to buy basic necessities. 

You don’t signal to the world—who is standing with you in solidarity against this terrible injustice—that it’s not safe to have a business or reside in your city because your impulse is to destroy your own neighborhood. 

But our fake TV news channels would have us believe this is so. 

You don’t give those united with you across the entire world a reason to think maybe the police do have cause to be overly cautious and harsh in such a neighborhood, as millions upon millions of people watch their TVs to see the trashing and burning and looting of properties that belong to innocent people. 

You don’t self-sabotage.  

The anger is justifiable. Such actions are not. Not when these actions are hurting innocent people, forcing places like Target and other giants to decide if perhaps they need to move to another neighborhood, forcing small mom and pop shops out of business, leaving your neighbors without a place to shop. 

We need to stand together on this and seek justice for George Floyd and his family, and stop those ANTIFA-like outsider thugs from pouring into and destroying someone else’s neighborhood. 

We have every right to be thoroughly angry. But we don’t have the right to take that anger out on the innocent. Our black communities know this and have been trying to stop this madness, all while some in our news media attempt to make them out to be the bad guys. 

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