Keep Our Children Safe: Felon Arested For Illegally Bringing Gun into Las Vegas Elementary School

Yesterday afternoon, at a school in Las Vegas. There was a man, reportedly a felon, arrested for bringing a gun onto school property, causing what is known as a Hard Lockdown, We here at the RightWay have the story about the terrifying incident that followed:

During the School day, around 2pm on Wednesday Dec. 11th; A man, police said is a convicted felon, was arrested for open carrying a gun on school property and was charged as a felon in possession of a firearm.

Guns are not allowed at any CCSD school property or event because of the Gun Free Zone Policy and the Law. It is against the law for anyone covicted of a felony to purchase, own, or posess a firearm. And all schools are Gun Free Zones. No one is allowed to bring a firearm onto school grounds. The man was arrested in the school parking lot.

Schools see it as a threat when someone open carries a gun on school property. The term “Open Carry” means to have a gun carried in a holster on ones person and not concealed. Although, it is illegal to have a gun on school property regardless of it is concealed or not. Someone must have seen this mans unconcealed weapon and then called the school district’s police department. And then the school was put on a “hard lockdown” this is to keep everyone safe, until police arive. When police arrived they ended up arresting the man.

So, was he a real threat, a clear and present danger? He absolutely might have been. The laws that say, “A felon cannot own or posess a firearm,” did not work; and the Gun Control Laws that created a “Gun Free” zone on school property, only worked to make the teachers, staff, and every student at that school, completely defenseless, and at the whim of that man’s anger.

Luckily this time, there was not an active shooter, but what would have happened if he had a mental break, or uncontrolled anger issue…there was no way anyone at that elementary school could have stopped him, they had no armed police officers there at the time, and the teachers aren’t allowed to carry any kind of weapons to protect themselves or their children.

This madness wasn’t only happening at this particular school yesterday as Fox5 Vegas reports; the CCSDPD (Clark County School District Police Department) had their hands full at several schools yesterday. We must provide tools to help teachers and school staff, keep these children safe when they are at school…

Officers responded to Foothill High School,Tarkainian Middle School, Cenntenial High School, and Harmon Elementary. FOX5’s Christine Maddela shares the latest.
Read More:
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A teacher told us that they were absolutely terrified during the hard lock down, saying, “that it is a sad state of affairs we are in, that we even have to worry about this at all. My first thoughts were just to keep the kids safe, and praying my son was safe too.” Imagine having your son as a student at your school but not being able to protect him, during an emergency, because he is in another teacher’s class.

This teacher said, “Our school is a closed campus, at least this year, so I felt a bit better knowing that. Because last year at the same time of day we would have had parents on campus waiting for the kids inside the gate.”

Also, we noticed while visiting the school, that if there ever actually was a shooter on campus, outside in their field area, there is absolutely nowhere to hide from an attacker, no cover of any kind, it is completely open, making anyone outside a sitting duck. This too is unacceptable.

Imagine that you are this teacher, Knowing that the hard lockdown meant something was happening on campus, but having absolutely no information about what it was that was happening inside the school. Trapped in a portable classroom, with all of the teacher’s students, not knowing whether or not your son, in another classroom, was safe. With no windows, no information, and only desks and tables to protect them all.

Imagine how absolutely terrifying that experience must have been. How every teacher must feel at every school that experiences a hard lockdown. How responsible for the lives of every child in that class, the teacher must have felt. How this teacher must have tried to stay calm and strong for the equally terrified children, in order to make them feel safe and keep them calm. All while having no real considerable way to defend them if a shooter entered that classroom.

What an absolute HERO this teacher is, and every other teacher in that school, and schools across the nation.

The President and others have put forward a solution to this issue of school shootings: Their solution? Arm and Train those teachers and staff who are comfortable with firearms, and want to be able to protect themselves and their students with more than just desks and chairs.

Below is an example of that happening now in Florida: ???❤???
Read more here: ?
Florida university where staff have guns viewed as template for arming teachers

Teachers should never have to feel defenseless like that. We need more armed guards in schools. Teachers and staff should be able to have the option to carry a weapon in case of emergency to protect themselves and their kids. Even if it is mace or tear gass, tazers, baseball bat by the door, or a concealed weapon.

Imagine if a shooter, instead of seeing a Gun Free Zone sign, saw a sign that read: WARNING armed police on guard at this school, also some staff may be carrying a firearm and are trained to defend their students at all cost. Might that make that shooter think twice about attacking that school?

Wouldn’t it make you think twice?

Gun Free Zones and Gun Control Laws DO NOT WORK, criminals, as evidenced by the story above, do not follow or care about those laws, that is what makes them criminals. Gun Free Zones and Gun Control Laws only keep guns out of the hands of those people who follow the law. It makes it so that law abiding gun owners – who may be able stop a mass shooter – are dissarmed, left defenseless, and turned into victims.

Over 90% of mass shootings happen whithin Gun Free Zones, because criminals are less afraid to attack somewhere where they know, people cannot protect themselves, and no one will shoot back at them. Gun Free Zones make these criminals feel safe, they do not make regular law abiding people safe. They do not keep our children safe. They only protect the bad guys.

We Must Protect Our Children.

Here is a local Fox News Story about the event:?


Employees and shoppers at a 99 Cents Only store in Las Vegas are reeling from the sudden news that the chain is closing all its locations.

Also happening in Las Vegas/Henderson right now, is a group trying to block the unconstitutional Red Flag Laws from being enacted: These Red Flag laws attack the second amendment and distroy our rights to due process and the idea that we are all innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, by a jury of our peers.

Read the story below, and then take a look back to our Red Flag law article:???❤???


Employees and shoppers at a 99 Cents Only store in Las Vegas are reeling from the sudden news that the chain is closing all its locations.

Red Flag Laws; What Are They? Do They Violate Your Rights?

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