,Liberal Fantasies VS Conservative Dreams

I recently came across a clinical study, conducted by a reputable agency, which found that the rate of mental illness was MUCH higher among liberals than for those who identify as conservative. I had to chuckle, as this was old news to most of us, but did appreciate that this bit of info came from a non-partisan source.

A fantasy might be termed as idle visualization of a desired condition or event, but lacking any rational or reasonable path to construction or even existence. A dream, on the other hand, is a vision of something desired with genuine considerations on how to make it possible and eventual; a dream usually comes along with thoughts of preparation as well as for consequences or results, whereas a fantasy only strives for instant or short term gratification. And this may identify one of the greatest differences between liberals and conservatives: liberals easily subscribe to fantasies, such as global warming or “climate change,” sexual identity based on whims of the day, or that government can raise children better than parents; all without any real scientific verification! Real conservatives dream and work toward not only what could be, but what morally SHOULD be, with consideration of long term benefits for themselves and their families.

Liberal utopian fantasies, forced into being by hook or by crook, have created one disaster after another for our society and country, while conservative dreams have provided the foundation of our civilization as well as that for our future. Abortion is one of the nastiest fantasies (or more aptly termed as abominations!) the Libs have put over on our society. They tend to treat this horrific and willful deletion of human life as only a tissue annulment, rather than the actual atrocity it is. And the only reason this holocaust of the womb is carried out is that the baby is simply unable to defend itself. Think about it; the most helpless and most innocent of all of our citizens, brutally destroyed in the name of inconvenience and profit. Are the rest of us, who have been so fortunate as to have been born and granted the opportunity to live into maturity, so stupid and naive to believe that this same liberal mindset will not apply to us, as ruling authorities decide we are no longer useful, and would have more value as ashes and fertilizer? Would any of us be so idiotic as to believe that we would be treated any differently than these innocent unborn children if we allow ourselves to be disarmed into helplessness?

And now that our growing economy needs more workers, and we have willfully eliminated over 50 Million of ourselves, many of whom would have been now participating in the work force, we are hearing cries to import vastly more employees from other countries; countries which don’t share US history or culture, much less similar values or hopes for the future. We have an account of how this scenario works: please read up on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, and no, it doesn’t end well!

Please check out my recording of “What Have I Done?” I wrote this from the viewpoint of the unborn child and added a simple but powerful video to go with the song. Please feel free to forward it or use for any good purpose; there will be no royalty fees asked.

Johnny Rowland is a media professional and resides with his family near Tombstone, Arizona. His email contact is: johnny460rowland@gmail.com

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