My God The Horror; a satirical view of the caravan border coverage.



Maria Lila Meza Castro, a 39-year-old migrant woman from Honduras, runs for her life with her twin daughters in front of the illegal border wall that should be torn down now between the U.S. and Mexico, in Tijuana, on Nov. 25. Credit: Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters


By Jim ‘Lefty’ Leftison staff writer for,

   On Sunday the border was plagued by death and destruction as the President ordered the Murderous Border Guard patrol officers, ICE agents, the ATF, DHS, CIA and the local PTA to fire their fully semi-automatic weapons (with attatched granade launcher chainsaws) into a crowd of mostly poor and destitute women, childern and their adorable pet puppies. Maiming and killing hundreds and possibly maybe thousands of absolutly innocent people who are just wanting a better life and who could never understand why the United States is such a terrible country or why this president is such a tyrannical racist.

   There was absolutely no warning at all, and no one explaining to them that it is against the law to break down a county’s border fence, throw rocks or other projectiles at the border guards, and no one even telling them that climing over barriors topped with razor wire with their children is wrong and might be dangerous. These hero migrants, who were asking only for safety and asylum in the US, were savagly slaughtered by heavily armed, heartless puppets of the administration. CCNN (Completely Careless News Network) reprter,  Mr. Ibee leve-Trumpsux, said “This all happened because the President is a mindless, cold hearted, scum bag racist and so are his supporters.” And we know you all agree with that report…or you are one too and are totally wrong.

   A joirnalist for the online newspaper a trusted source “The,” reported that this could have been avoided very easily by adding, “if only the President had just listend to the people of America and us, the all-knowing media, and showed a little restraint, and ordered the guards to only use non lethal force such as bean bag rounds as a crowd control riot deturrant and a little tear gass. This could have all been resolved relitivly safely without all the loss of life.” But as we know he showed absolutely no restraint when dealing with these poor helpless people.

No matter how the President chooses to protect the sovereignty of America and the safety of her citizens, we the media have the right, duty, and responsibility to blame him and shame his supporters and call them all racist, homophobic, misogynistic pigs any time the opportunity arises . We need to continue to freely call him an uneducated redneck, orange-headed racist and never give him credit for anything possitive that his supporters present evidence of. Because he is a terrible person and because we must be non-partisan, and present the news fairly like this, untill the candidates we like are back in power.

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