Not “Fear Mongering” Just Facts; The Fine Line Between Liberty & Safety

We need to sit down and have an honest and open conversation; On March 19th we wrote an update to one of our stories with the current numbers of coronavirus cases world wide and at home:


☆~UPDATED~☆ March 19th 2020 Just 4 days ago The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Interactive Map showed that the world Coronavirus cases had reached 179,029 with 7,057 deaths and there has been 78,073 recovered. We are now, as of March 20th up to 272,362 and 11,310 deaths. They are reporting that these numbers could double about every 3 days…Keep coming back to The RightWay for the latest.

Since then, we have tried to keep up with the spread of this virus and present the facts to our readers to the best of our abilities. We have used the Coronavirus interactive map done by Johns Hopkins. These are as accurate numbers as is possible. They do not have any motive to lie to the American people and neither do we.

Our Readers Deserve To Get The Truth!

The Fact of the matter is we have gone fro 179,000 cases world wide to just under 2 million in just 4 weeks, 1,970,879 cases with 125,678 deaths. And here at home, we have reached 602,989 cases and 25,575 dead from this deadly pandemic. Some states like here where I am in Nevada, the Governor has even called up The national Guard to help combat the virus. Health officials reported Tuesday that almost 3,100 people have tested positive for COVID-19 statewide, and 120 have died. More than 2,500 of those cases are in the Las Vegas area, where 106 people have died, according to the Southern Nevada Health District.

As we have said from the very beginning, WE SHOULD NOT PANIC – Yes, that is an incredibly high number increase in just 4 weeks. So high that it is almost “Unbelievable,” So high, that some people have panicked, and caused all sorts of problems, from runs on store shelves that has caused shortages, to runs on banks to take out all of the cash as if the world is ending; as if we are living through the zombie apocalypseWe Aren’t! They believe that the government should enforce the lockdowns and do it by force if necessary to keep them and their families safe; but they also believe that the Government has undersold the numbers or flat out lied about how bad this pandemic really is.

Some people talk about how only certian groups have been put on lockdown, and how unfair it all seems to be:

From the video below:… This is the DAILY scene in Snohomish and Skagit Counties! Cycling OPEN! Walking/biking paths OPEN! Boating OPEN! Fishing and hunting CLOSED?? This is a double standard, it’s hypocrisy and borderline discrimination. WDFW, please open ALL lowland lakes, so the few anglers that still live in this State can get out of the house for recreation/mental health support while practicing expert level social distancing. You are failing us for no reason, as this video shows. I have more photos and will continue to gather them. Open the waters or close ALL of these biking, walking and hiking trails as well please. Enforcement is nonexistent up here! Anglers and hunters can abide by the 6 foot rule as well as anybody and arguably more efficiently! The overcrowding taking place at golf courses, walking paths, hiking trails and during ‘boating’ activities currently is not helping your argument for closing fishing and hunting activities across the State.

And still, others have completly decided that it truly is “Unbelievable,” and so they cannot believe any of it at all. Some believe that there is a Government conspiracy to lie to us, to gain more power over the people. So they have blown-off any attempt at taking it seriously, refusing to listen to facts, whether those facts are credible or not. This side of the spectum hates being told how bad the spread of the disease really is; or just how bad the symptoms and effects of covid-19 are when you get infected. So they just refuse to listen to any of it.

A friend shared this picture with me:

On one hand I completly agree with that. Bejemin Franklin said it best,

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’

This experiment in self governance, that has lasted for more than 240 years and has made the United states the greatest country in the world, comes at a price. And that price is that we must be responsible for ourselves and protect ourselves from immediate danger, and be smart enough to do it. and most of us are that way and understand that we also have a responsibility to other’s. We respect people, and in turn are respected. We live and let live, and in turn are left alone to pactice our right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, in the way we see fit.

On the other hand, The main function of Govenment is to protect it’s citizens. And there are a lot of people who are not like those of us who are self reliant, responsible, and respectful of others. And so, I can see why they are asking non essential businesses to stay closed, and people to stay home. And why they are reminding people often to wash their hands, stay away from large gatherings and practice social distancing… because there are a ton of stupid people, who do none of that, and don’t care if they spread this crap to the rest of us. But the harder the Government pushes this on the people by force, the harder the people will push back!

I have a friend who was severly sick for quite a long time when all of this first began. She is still fairly convinced that she had this deadly disease, and it was aweful for her. A lot worse then the average flu, and she was terrified that she wasn’t going to recover. She went through Hell. Now, imagine some asshat, who didn’t even know he was sick, because it takes so long before any signs or symptoms show, imagine he ignored all of the rules and got you and your family that sick. That will, and has been, happening. Because of a ton of people not taking this serious enough.

So, there needs to be a middle ground, a place somewhere in the middle, between liberty and safety. Most people are like us, and are happy to stay away from others, wash our hands, not go out if we are sick …etc. but not everyone is like we are. So how do we get those people to fall in line to protect our families?

We have seen and reported on both sides of the reactions to this global pandemic, and have given the most current and honest account of what is happening as possible. You can read all of our coronavirus coverage here, it has been accurate and factual; and all of it has been trying to show the seriousness of the disease and it’s spread, without causing any more panic. And that, is a hard line to walk on. So Just imagine the very fine line that president must be ballancing on.

A good friend of mine said we should look at this from Trump’s point of view. “Imagine what our President is facing. If he gives us the bare facts, the liberals accuse him of fear mongering. If he talks hopeful about it, he’s accused of not taking it serious, but these are that facts he is dealing with.” It really is a no-win situation for him. But those are the situations that he thrives in. He is best under pressure, and he always wins! So the President has to do what he thinks is best for the people, all of the people, while also not causing a panic that is worse then the disease.. And I think we need to do everything we can do to make his job easier. We must take this serious. Listen to the directives of our representitives, don’t panic, stay informed, and eventually all of this will end. But if we don’t take this serious at all, it will continue to spread and we will all continue to suffer through, and much longer then we might have otherwise.

Another good frend reminded me that “The best thing any of us can do under this situation, is to stay calm, keep sanitized, stay sane & stay safe”. He reminded me that we are all in this together and the fact is, that if there is wide spread panic, that could be far worse than the disease itself.

Below is the Johns Hopkins Interactive Map with the current coronavirus numbers. If you Click on This Link you can see all of the sources where they get their numbers, they do not just rely on one source like the W.H.O. The compile their data from many different places. You can also Click Here: to see the new United States Interactive Coronavirus Map

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