Record Low Unemployment: What It Says About Americans.

We already know that our record low unemployment rates across the board says about our President: promises made, promises kept.

But what does it say about the American people?

When jobs are plentiful, so is our determination to make the most of it. The men and woman of The United States want to work.

As unchecked government regulations previously made jobs increasingly scarce under past administrations, our Welfare population grew. Government dependency grew.

As we watched our jobs evaporate, many people voted democrat out of fear, worried how they’d feed their families. Worried, as they watched their homes go into foreclosure, not realizing that their votes were creating a chain reaction, effectively causing more and more Americans to require government assistance.

The more we voted democrat, the worse the situation became, as liberal policies continued to destroy businesses, running some companies out of the country, while causing many to close their doors or lay off even their best employees – effectively robbing us of our desire to be independent.

And, destroying The American Dream.

The moment old jobs returned and new ones became available, however, we leaped at the chance to make a better life for ourselves and our families.

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of us do not want handouts.

Most of us take pride in our ability to be self-sufficient.

Most of us still believe in The American Dream.

Most of us want a better life for our children and are willing to work hard to make it a reality.

Most of us want more from life than to merely exist from one welfare check or other handout to the next.

Most of us want a fighting chance.

Yes, President Trump handed us an amazing opportunity, but it was up to us to make the most of it. None of his hard work would have mattered if Americans weren’t some of the hardest working and determined people.

We didn’t have to make the most of this great gift, and yet we did.

The Trump economy has allowed the American people an opportunity to prove themselves. Most of us have done so enthusiastically, accepting that challenge with open arms.

How has the Trump economy made a difference in your life?

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