Red Flag Law Washington: Police Take Guns From Man They Claim Is a White Supremacist

NBC News wrote a story and did a video report about a man in Washington, (in all reports he’s a bad man, which may in fact be true,) even though he hadn’t yet committed an actual crime, the cops were sent to his house to arrest him and confiscate his guns…Why?

Here’s the story:?

Okay, so this guy says he believes there will be a “Race War” coming soon, he has admitted to being a member of a group that the “Southern Poverty Law Center said is a “Hate Group” and so without committing any crime, they arrested this man and confiscated his weapons. Because the Cops and the FBI determined he may be planning a major crime. Not that they suspected he had already committed a crime, just that he may commit one.

If your not familiar with this new way of “Premonition Policing” (or stopping criminals before they commit any crimes,) read our other articles about Red Flag Laws,


and here:

Now, he may absolutely be a racist, he may even be a part of this so-called “Hate Group” or even be the groups leader, but… they took away his rights without any due process which violates the constitution. They infringed apon his rights without him ever committing an actual crime.

For all we know, he may never have actually committed a crime with his guns, but they persecuted him and took away his second amendment rights anyway.

NBC News reported: (emphasis added)

Firearms belonging to the suspected leader of a neo-Nazi group who was thought to be preparing for a “race war” have been seized under a “red flag” law in Washington state, according to court documents.
Authorities removed five rifles, three pistols and other gun components from Kaleb James Cole, 24, under a state law that allows authorities to take guns from people deemed to be a risk to themselves or others for up to a year, authorities said. Cole has not been charged with any crime.

Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes believes the seizure, which court documents indicate happened Sept. 26, may have prevented a massacre.
“This is a hate-filled human being, but unfortunately one who possesses really alarming numbers of weapons,” Holmes said.

NBC News

So he was only “suspected” of being a leader of the Neo Nazi Group, no one had yet proven that he was. They say that he was “thought to be” preparing to protect himself for an up coming “Race War,” and so, they arrested him and took his guns, eventhough they have never charged him with any crime.

But what if he ended up being right? What if there actually was a Race War that happened, and he needed to be able to protect himself, his property, or his family? Maybe not a Race War, but any major event that gives him cause for self protection?

These new state laws allow police to take guns away from anyone “deemed to be” a threat; well who is the person who decides, who is, or is not, a threat? And who gets to decide how many guns you can have before it becomes a “Really Alarming” number of weapons?

This goes against every idea that the founders wanted and dreamed that our country would be; they started, faught, and won a war, with the mightiest military the world had ever seen, to get away from tyranny just like this.

You can read the NBC news article below, or just continue reading…

We, as Conservatives, get called racists all the time; even when we are the farthest thing from it. So what happens, if someone decides that The RightWay is a conservative “Hate Group” because they don’t like our beliefs? Will we get arrested too?

Will they take away our rights without due process? Will they shut down our website; maybe track down our members and take away our guns? Do we now have to be extra careful not to say the wrong things, or talk to the wrong people?

How scared of our Government should we be now??

This is a slippery slope that the Democrats have taken us down. Who gets to decide what “Hate Speech” is? Who decides what beliefs are the “right” beliefs…The Government?

Maybe it’s The Southern Poverty Law Center or the ACLU (both leftist organizations.) Who gets to decide if you can keep your constitutionally protected Rights? The DNC Maybe…or those people in powerful posissions over us?

No really…tell me who, who gets to say that your speech, your ideas, and your beliefs, are “Hateful” or wrong?

Who gets to send armed police officers to come into your home, search the entire house, and confiscate any weapons you may have; all because someome told them you are a “hatefull” person who, “may someday”, commit a crime.

Then, not only would you have to deal with your life being turned upside down, because of the police arresting you, and also the subsequent search, but then you have to prove that you won’t commit a crime in the future. You have to prove that you were never a danger to anyone, or that you won’t be a threat to anyone later. How do you prove that?

You would have to spend tens-of-thousands of dollars on court and attorney fees, trying to clear your name, and get your life and your rights back, that were taken from you; and all because someone didn’t like the way you talk, or some stupid thing you said on a social media post, or the fact that you have more than a couple guns in your house.

If they can take this particular right away from you without you ever committing a crime, and on the word of someome who doesn’t like you, or doesn’t agree with your beliefs, then how many other rights might they decide to take away from you without due process?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You Cannot prove a Negative”? That is exactly what you have to do in this situation; you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent. You have to prove that you didn’t commit a crime, and that you weren’t planning on committing a crime, how is that even possible?

There is a reason that the Constitution protects us from the Government taking our rights without a fair hearing; and why we are always innocent until the state proves that we are guilty, not the other way around.

Again, this guy might be a total scum bag, he may even be a racist, homophobic, transphobic and misogynistic asshat, who I might dissagree with in every way and with every bone in my body…however…he is also an American Citizen, whose civil rights are protected by the constitution, (at least their supposed to be protected,) until he commits a crime, has a fair trial, and is found guilty by a jury of his peers, before any of his rights are removed.

We have had to talk a lot lately about protecting the second amendment, and these new “Red Flag Laws” in particular. That’s because every leftist Democratic politician, and DNC Presidential Candidates, have all talked about passing more of these kinds of laws, and taking away our right to self protection by taking our guns wothout due process, and even getting rid of the second amendment all together.

We can’t let this continue! It may never stop, and It may not stop at only taking your second amendment rights away, once they make it common place to spread fear and take this right from you, they will eventually come for the others.

Next, they will take your freedom of speech, and your right to practice your religion and worship God in the way you see fit, or not at all of that is what you believe.

This is not just about Conservative vs. Liberal, or Democrats vs. Republicans, this is about the Government being able to take your constitutional rights away from you, without any due process because of anything they deem is a threat.

That my friends, is the very definition of Tyranny.

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