Socialism Rearing It’s Ugly Head

 ?Members of the Democratic Socialists of America march at the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York.Date17 September 2011 – David Shankbone

To move forward, we must first put behind us the failed ideas of the past. Socialism is an old idea of governing. Very old. It takes power from the people, and hands it to select individuals in places of power, greatly increasing their power while decreasing ours.

Greatly increasing their wealth, while decreasing ours.

Both San Fransisco and New York businesses are feeling this first hand. Businesses are being forced to close and many companies are suffering large numbers of layoffs in order to stay afloat.

Take a look at this from


San Francisco And NYC Begin To See The Ugly Side Of ‘Fair Workweek’ Laws

San Francisco and NYC retail and restaurant sectors are beginning to see the ugly side of socialism: store closures and layoffs, as their owners cannot keep up with local government mandates that raise the costs of their businesses.

When I think of those calling themselves “progressive” while they embrace socialism, it brings to mind a group of very confused and backwards people who turn to the past, instead of the innovation of the future. People who’ve been lied to, deceived by our school system.

When I think about how many men and women died in the fight against the evils of socialism and communism, then look at our young people today who are in favor of these things, I find it depressing. They want to turn us backwards, give away the rights our forefathers fought to bring about and died to defend; an idea that could sends us back to the dark ages, where we are left scrambling to feed, house, and clothe our families.

What If The USA Had Lost to the Socialist Fascists (Nazis) Or The Communists (Soviet Russia)? Would we still recognize it?

Why do our children want to revert to socialism? Because they are being indoctrinated by our schools. Told that socialism is the humane way to live. Told lies and half-truths. The socialist party has taken over our education system, manipulating the minds of gullible children to make them believe that capitalism is evil, when in reality it’s been the single biggest force to lift us out of poverty and has made America an amazing place to live.

If socialism worked so well, why do people flee socialist countries in droves and come to America? Why aren’t Americans, instead, fleeing to socialist nations?

They’re also taught that America is not a good place to live, and they believe such nonsense while seeing for themselves the record numbers of immigrants—legally and illegally—coming into our country to escape the evils of socialism and the poverty socialism brings.

Open your eyes, young people. If what you see contradicts what you’ve been taught, it’s obvious you’ve been taught a lie.

WATCH: #SocialismKills

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