Election meddling? Or, Draining The Swamp?

Did President Trump ask Ukraine’s President to investigate the firing of Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, as well as Burisma Holdings, a Ukraine based business associated with now candidate Biden’s son? The July 25, 2019 telephone transcript between the two leaders indicates he did.

Is this request an abuse of power by our U.S. President, which could be determined an impeachable offense? Or is it a legitimate request based on the apparent corruption alluded to in that July 25, 2019 phone call?

Ukraine Phone Call Transcript Jul. 25th

The answer to this, and the answer to the legitimacy of the House Democrats pushing for impeachment, hinges on one important detail that few seem to mention:

Was President Trump’s request to Ukraine’s President Zelensky solely for personal political gain? Or, is a more important issue at stake, one involving apparent corruption within our own government in the form of pay-to-play financial self-enrichment?

If the latter holds true, and we have solid supporting evidence that it does, our president is well within his rights to request Ukraine to investigate…even if that investigation involves a “potential” Democrat nominee. Under the Obama administration, GOP nominee Donald J Trump was investigated as a potential Russian asset. Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton was also investigated over her email scandal. Investigating a nominee, when a crime is strongly suspected, is not illegal. It is not grounds for impeachment. To suggest otherwise is to believe a presidential nominee is above the rule of law.

We have a 1998 treaty with Ukraine granting mutual legal assistance in criminal matters between our countries, allowing the US Attorney General (currently William Barr) to communicate directly with the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

For this to go forward under the 1998 treaty, there must be a legitimate concern: Something of national importance.

Government corruption is a legitimate concern.

President Zelensky suggested during his phone call with President Trump that such a concern existed on his end, confirming the requested investigation is about corruption and was needed to restore honesty in his Ukraine government, which makes it well within our president’s purview.

When President Trump has legitimate concerns of corruption regarding our elected officials and their dealings with Ukraine, he has not just a right, but an obligation to inform the Attorney General of The United States, and per our 1998 treaty, enabling our AG to communicate directly with Ukraine’s Prosecutor General to request Ukraine’s aid in the investigation.

For this reason, AG Barr’s name was invoked during the July phone call. AG Barr is not President Trump’s personal attorney. If this was simply a “personal gain” case, a “personal vendetta,” a means to “smear a potential presidential nominee just before an election,” AG Barr must decline, as it would be an egregious display that would destroy the career and credibility of William Barr. As Attorney General of The United States, to involve himself on behalf of our president, without proper cause, without it being a national concern, would be political suicide.

Ukraine Phone Call Transcript Jul. 25th

Unlike AG Holder, AG Barr has never professed to be a United States President’s “wingman.” AG Barr doesn’t serve the president. He serves the United States of America.

AG Barr’s involvement alone confirms this is not simply about getting dirt on a political rival; rather, investigating serious allegations of corruption regarding at least one elected U.S. official and his family member. Potential wrongdoing was swept under the rug when then-Vice President Biden used the power of his office in a threat to withhold needed aid if Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin wasn’t fired within six hours—a firing that would assure the Prosecutor General’s investigation into VP Biden’s son’s Ukraine based business was stopped—and also serve as a warning to the the next Prosecutor General.

Joe Biden Braggs About Getting Ukraine Prosecutor Fired

On the surface, we see a potential scandal involving at least one American elected official and his dealings with Ukraine, which enriched his family members financially in what appears to be pay-to-play on a grand scale, using the former Senator and then U.S. Vice President’s name to gain opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t exist. But it‘s more than that. Receiving special favors based on your last name is one thing. Expecting special treatment from our government in return for those business opportunities …now that’s a serious issue.

If Trump’s request is based on his frequently repeated promise to “drain the swamp,” and AG Barr’s involvement strongly points to that being the case, then not only was Trump’s request not cause for impeachment, but this strongly points to President Trump making good on a campaign promise to stop the corruption that exists within our own government.

So, is there any merit/basis to justify AG Barr’s involvement, which would also vindicate President Trump?  


As we’ve seen all over the news, Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, landed an incredible opportunity for a large monthly salary on the board of the Ukraine-based company Burisma Holdings. For the son of the United States Vice President, a son recently booted from the Navy for drug use, a son with no experience in the energy business, to be suddenly and inexplicably thrust onto the board of a foreign business, sounds suspicious at best.

Trump: Ukraine Phone Call Transcript Jul. 25th

Putting it all in perspective: This job offer, where we’ve heard salary figures between $50,000 per month to over $80,000 per month for a recently court-martialed Hunter Biden, materialized while his father, VP Joe Biden was acting in the capacity of emissary to the Ukraine government, with rumors indicating that the younger Biden not only had zero experience to warrant such an offer, but had no connections that would lead to such a venture, other than his father being Vice President of the United States at the time and his father’s dealings as United States Vice President with Ukraine. Why could his father’s position be of importance?

The younger Biden reportedly remained a board member of this Ukraine based company until his father, Joe Biden, began his bid for the 2020 presidential race. Once Joe Biden decided to run for the White House, he knew his son’s business ties could pose a real problem.

Tucker investigates Hunter Biden’s role in the impeachment battle

Burisma, a Ukraine based business, faced a money-laundering investigation. In 2014, both Hunter Biden and a former Polish president, Aleksander Kwasniewski, were appointed as board members. Three years later, Cofer Black, foreign policy adviser to Mitt Romney during Romney’s presidential campaign,  joined Hunter Biden on the board of Burisma, providing this Ukraine based business with not just the son of a former Vice President of The United States, but with a former CIA official who was adviser to previous presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. While suspected of money-laundering/corruption, two U.S. citizens were appointed as board members of the same Ukraine based business.

This occurred while and after Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States and continued while VP Joe Biden acted as emissary to Ukraine, pushing the U.S. President for support on behalf of Ukraine. Reports surfaced indicating VP Biden specifically requested then-President Obama to act against Russian’s aggression of Ukraine, demanding Russia “pay in blood and money.” VP Biden also reportedly requested President Obama ship 148 Javelin anti-tank missiles to Kiev, and increase Ukraine’s lethal aid. President Obama rejected those requests.  

VP Biden acted as emissary to, and was deeply involved in the affairs of Ukraine, representing Ukraine’s interests to President Obama, while Biden’s son, later joined by Mitt Romney’s former adviser, both holding lucrative positions within a Ukraine based business suspected of corruption. And remarkably, the younger Biden was given a position that greatly surpassed young Mr. Biden’s expertise. Ironically, as VP Biden worked with Ukraine on their government corruption issue, namely, government officials using the power of their office for self-enrichment, Hunter Biden was apparently using the power of his father’s name and position for his own self-enrichment.

Sean Hannity breaks down the Biden-Ukraine timeline

Numerous investigations have revealed that this apparent pay-to-play in the Biden family started decades ago. In 1973, a mere year after Joe Biden was first elected to the Senate, younger brother, James Biden, opened a night club. During an investigation into the “unusually generous bank loans” involved with James Bidens’ business, the News Journal reported that the unusually large loans were granted based on the younger Biden being the brother of Senator Joe Biden, confirmed by bank officials involved. James Biden may be innocent in this incident. He may not have tried to cash in on his brother’s government position. It may have been the perception of the loan officers, believing with an older brother being a US Senator, the loan was automatically guaranteed. Or perhaps favors were expected. With this having occurred so many years ago, we may never learn the truth.

Joe Biden’s brother and son have a long history of profiting off his name

While Democrats want the press and voters to concentrate on President Trump’s phone call with Ukraine, “the problem for Democrats is that a review of Hunter Biden’s career shows clearly that he, al…

This, however, was just the beginning of the apparent Biden family pay-to-play self-enrichment spree.

Fast-forward to the 1990s, when younger brother James Biden founded Lion Hall Group, a lobbying firm for Mississippi trail lawyers who were involved in tobacco litigation. Reportedly, the lawyers enlisted younger brother James Biden for leverage with U.S. Senator Joe Biden.  

In 2007, James Biden attempted to launch another lobbying firm, this time involving his nephew, Hunter Biden, Senator Biden’s son. An FBI wiretap revealed questionable intent based on the fruits of that wiretap, including concern that James Biden’s lobbying firm offered a direct line to U.S. Senator Joe Biden:  “We’re going to meet with the Bidens around noon,” and “We really need to push on the Senate bill.” One of James Biden’s prospective partners, however, was arrested, and the tobacco lobbying venture disappeared.

It didn’t stop there, however. Not long after the 2007 lobbying firm went bust, a report surfaced that the University of Delaware paid millions to a Hunter Biden associated firm, receiving millions in earmarks in return.

Then, in 2011, with Vice President Joe Biden overseeing Iraq policy, and with James Biden a year into his association with a construction firm, the construction firm in question was granted a $1.5 billion contract to build in Iraq.

A mere two years later, Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz (the latter being stepson to John Kerry— United States Secretary of State) formed Rosemont Seneca, along with a couple of partners. In 2013, Hunter accompanied his father on an official U.S. business trip to China. This “official” trip to China with Hunter Biden tagging along with his VP father, quickly culminated in a deal between Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca and the Chinese for $1.5 billion.


Based on what we know so far, we have several individuals who benefited from foreign businesses as a direct result of their familial or other strong ties to major U.S. politicians. And an apparent pay-to-play.

  1. Hunter Biden, son of former US Senator and Vice President of The United State, Joe Biden (who is now a potential Democrat nominee for U.S. President)
  2. James Biden, brother of Senator and later Vice President of The United States Joe Biden (who is now a potential Democrat nominee for U.S. President)
  3. Cofer Black, former CIA official, Ambassador-at -Large, Coordinator/Director of the CIA’s Counter-terrorism, and foreign policy adviser to former Senator and former Governor Mitt Romney (and another former presidential hopeful).
  4. Chris Heinz, stepson of Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry.

President Trump campaigned on a platform of “draining the swamp.” We are only beginning to see just how deeply this corrupt government swamp runs. Before his two terms are over, the above list may be much longer.

When then-Vice President Joe Biden demanded Ukraine immediately fire their Prosecutor General, while at the same time this same Prosecutor General was investigating a company who paid the Vice President’s son at least $50,000 per month for a position he wasn’t qualified to hold, it’s abundantly clear that the request made by President Trump to Ukraine President Zelensky for investigation has merit, and was requested on behalf of the American people.

This is not grounds for impeachment; rather, solid grounds to applaud our president for his determination to keep his campaign promises.

And a strong warning: Swamp rats, beware….

Below, is the full Unclassified Transcript of the July 25th Phone Call between President Trump and President Zielinski. You can read it yourself, and decide if it enough to overturn a US election and impeach the President: ???❤???

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