I must confess, I’m a cat lover. “Lover” is too strong, because when the darn feline backs up to my wife’s handed-down finery with tail high, I’m sternly instructed to ship it FedEx straight to hell. But look, there is something to say about the communication talents the skillful mouser exhibits.

The first requirement a human must engage in is to remain completely quiet. You start yapping about your devotion to the cat, and it will drag its tail across your leg while making you think, “Oh my gosh, this relationship was made in heaven.” But that is only the animal marking its scent as a claim to your being.

Try blabbering when the cat is in full stalking mode. The eyes will go full. The fuller the eyes, the flatter the ears. So yes, there are important ancillary signs and tools of communicating with the cat that should not go unnoticed. Do you truly want to communicate with a cat?

I’ve perfected those communication skills to a level of expertise second to none. You see, the tabby speaks with its eyes. You start by catching the cat’s attention and immediately closing your eyes. Then, the opening and closing and fluttering of lids will be a nearly impossible resistance for further communication. This opens the chance for true admiration from a creature whose complete control and ownership of the human is without question. You feed the thing, right? Yep, you know what I mean.

The thing is, eyes are wonderful communicators for human to human interaction, as well. With well-trained eyes, you can learn that much can be said without sound. You eliminate the façade of crescendo, the nuisance of staccato, and the sham in diminuendo. I wonder if, over the last several months leading up to and including the impeachment hearings, you’ve been witness to the eyes involved.

Over these past days and weeks, there have been many chances for careful observance of the non-uttered veracity behind the clutter of noises. Misdirecting your attention was the point, but there, you find the deep reality of egotistical lying eyes.

Adam Schiff read to Congress, with millions of people watching, a complete fabrication of President Trump’s conversation with the President of Ukraine—a bastardized version that had absolutely nothing in common with the actual phone call. He presented himself as reading the genuine transcription of the call, but completely changed not only the words, but the intent, doing so in an underhanded attempt to make the President appear guilty, arrogant, and manipulative.

If you were not communicating cat-like, go back and watch his eyes. There was the testimony of prominent businessman Gordon Sondland, the founder and CEO of the Provenance hotel chain turned US Ambassador to the EU. He was amiable in his testimony as a good diplomat might be. But then there were the eyes. When his testimony was vetted out to be nothing but presumption, with his head leaning on his fist, index finger pointing up across the ear, he said what we already had known. He seemed to be the only honest witness, regardless of i

Gordon Sondland

You’ve seen that stance before, haven’t you?

But here again, we are trying to get a clear representation of communication with eyes and “other” interactive indicators. We’ve got it in full focus and clear as a bell. Watching the testimony of National Security Council European Affairs Director LT. COL Vindman, I had to look past the eyes because there was a glaring “better than thou, I’m a LT. COL, I’ll set foreign policy and let ya’all know just how that’ll be when I’m done” look.

You didn’t see it? Those regularly elevated eyebrows, shifting eyes sideways back and forth. I may well be criticized right here for speaking negatively, besmirching a long-distinguished career in service to our country. But I can do that. You see, I also raised my hand pledging to defend The Constitution. After doing so, on several occasions I had the unenviable task of placing servicemen behind bars as they started on that same journey for deeds unbecoming.

Is it out of the realm of possibility, considering his pride, that appropriate military regulations and long-standing protocol may have been lost on him? How about your supervisor or an inspector-general “Mr.” Vindman?

No, that would not create the exhilaration and possible notoriety that cozying up to partisan attorney-coaches had, supplying him with talking points for his testimony.

But lest you be tempted to discount my insight into the eyes of a smug, full of himself, low-level Army analyst, consider this recent comment by the Navy Seal who killed Osama Bin Laden, Robert J. O”Neil, as posted on his Twitter account:

“I agree. I wish the left wouldn’t use his uniform to make him a saint. He’s an operative with an agenda.”

Robert J. O’NEIL @mchooyah

Robert J. O’Neill on Twitter: “I agree. I wish the left wouldn’t use his uniform to make him a saint. He’s an operative with an agenda. / Twitter”

I agree. I wish the left wouldn’t use his uniform to make him a saint. He’s an operative with an agenda.

Furthermore, you might not remember this Marine who fought at Benghazi, one Mark Geist, but consider here his words from his Twitter page:

“Vindman is a disgrace to all who have served. Transcript of his previous closed door testimony he clearly admits to undermining the @POTUS foreign policy and now he has chairman Schiff advising him on how to answer questions. @codeofvets #treason #traitor #POS #conductunbecoming”

Mark Geist @MarkGeistSWP

Mark Geist on Twitter: “Vindman is a disgrace to all who have served. Transcript of his previous closed door testimony he clearly admits to undermining the @POTUS foreign policy and now he has chairman Schiff advising him on how to answer questions. @codeofvets #treason #traitor #POS #conductunbecoming / Twitter”

Vindman is a disgrace to all who have served. Transcript of his previous closed door testimony he clearly admits to undermining the @POTUS foreign policy and now he has chairman Schiff advising him on how to answer questions. @codeofvets #treason #traitor #POS #conductunbecoming

Now we must redirect our line of sight towards Jerrold Nadler and the House Judiciary Committee. While we do, remember that there is a concept built into our Constitution coined by Charles-Louis Secondat, from the term “trias politica” or “Separation of Powers,” that is of great importance. And I second that. (sorry could not help the play on words there……OK, Geez, note his last name… I need to spell it out?……..OH, you see it now, glad we got that with clear vision.)

There, in those halls, will be discussed the constitutionality of the whole thing. The likelihood of Executive Privilege will be front and center. That the President will hold firm, is of no doubt. That the Democrat run House will stay committed to moving on Articles of Impeachment, is without question. That the whole crazy mess will be processed out to acquittal or be dead on arrival, is all but certain.

Congress will then, as evidenced over the last few years, be eager to continue using other tools of “impediment,” much like this go nowhere “impeachment.” Should a second term bless this nation, and happenstance of liberal control of Congress remain, they will likely return to using other constitutional tools—like delaying confirmation hearings, refusing to move forward on legislation that the President needs to achieve his agenda, withholding support for administration programs with the power of the purse, and perhaps even utilizing arcane arrest powers—all to vindicate its prerogative and to continue badgering those of us who support the “Cleaner of the Swamp.”

To those in Congress who are mucking the place up and somehow retain that reality,

the eyes of a nation are upon you.


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