The Gov Can’t Infringe On Free Speech! There Is No Such Thing As “Hate Speech”

New York has passed a law, that will fine you for calling someone an “illegal alien”

The Constitution protects speech from Government Censorship, and not just The Federal Government, State, and Local too. If you start allowing the Government to ban your speech, of particular Words…then you open the door for them to fine or jail you for any words of speech they do not like…

…That’s called Tyranny folks.

If you decide to let the Government ban “Hate Speech” what is to keep them from banning your political speech, or your religious speech, if they don’t agree with it, or consider it a threat to their power. This is exactly what the founders feared; because they experienced it for themselves, they faught a war and founded a new country to get away from this kind of tyranny.

The New York Post has more to say about this new law:?

It’s now against the law in New York City to threaten someone with a call to immigration authorities or refer to them as an “illegal alien” when motivated by hate.

The restrictions — violations of which are punishable by fines of up to $250,000 per offense — are outlined in a 29-page directive released by City Hall’s Commission on Human Rights.

City bans calling someone an ‘illegal alien’ out of hate

It’s now against the law in New York City to threaten someone with a call to immigration authorities or refer to them as an “illegal alien” when motivated by hate. The restriction…

Read our articles on the First Amendment & the Right to Free Speech, and the cost of giving it away or having it stolen from you:?

A Look At The Constitution & The Bill Of Rights Series: “The Frst Amendment.” (Part 1 of 2)
A Look At The Constitution & The Bill Of Rights Series: “The Frst Amendment.” (Part 2)
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