The Latest on Ukraine,The Biden Scandal & Ridiculous Impeachment Inquiry

?Picture- Alex Wong/Getty Images

Updated 10-15-2020 More Proof – Pay for Play & Curruption Biden/Ukrain Scandal -Hunter Biden introduced Burisma adviser to VP dad before Ukraine pressure, email shows

So not only did Hunter get paid millions to be on the board of Burisma, but a Burisma adviser gained access to the US Vice pressident for it.

Then Biden blackmailed Ukraine to fire the DA who was looking into that company’s curruption…these are serious crimes. How could anyone vote for Biden after seeing all of this proof?

Hunter Biden introduced Burisma adviser to VP dad before Ukraine pressure, email shows

Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

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Keep checking back here, we will add new information. Watching the Leftists Squirm as we get closer to the Truth, and as the pethetic Democrats continue to make up “crimes” to impeach our President.

They began “impeachment inquiries” the moment he announced he was running, & right after he became the GOP nominee. They were devastated when Hillary Lost, and began a conspiracy to to commit a political coup against the Trump Presidency. Whose conspiring members included the Obama White House and Joe Biden, The Obama Department of Justice, and FBI, The Currupt Clinton Cartel and the Clinton-run DNC.

It also included Democrat members of the House & Senate and some of their spouses, Members of the Media, an ex-British agent, and the Russians. They hatched a plan to get rid of Trump.

They talked seriously about trying to impeach him, and began to think up ways to get him out of office and overturn the election results, the moment he became President.

From the Russian Collusion Hoax, the Fight over the border security and the wall, to Kavanaugh. From the 95% negitive media coverage, & all the way through to this Ukraine Whistleblower Hoax & beyond, they continue to try and derail his Presidency.

We must continue to share the Truth. So that those people who may be listening to the Mainstream Media, and Social Media Giants, can get the Truth. Not our Truth, or Their Truth but The Truth, take a look:???❤???

☆~Updated~☆ 11/10/19 New Evidence from John Solomon ???❤???

☆~Updated~☆ 11/8/19 New Video From Glen Beck???❤???

☆~Updated~☆ 11/03/19

You Need To watch this…the media is lying again…there was an investigation into Hunter Biden’s Company Burisma when Creepy Uncle Joe blackmailed Ukraine into firing the DA looking into them…this is the real story folks.???❤???

Facebook Glen Beck

The Beltway’s ‘Whistleblower’ Furor Obsesses Over One Name

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigationsOctober 30, 2019, 4:21 PM Eastern For a town that leaks like a sieve, Washington has done an astonishingly effective job keeping from the American public the nam

☆~Updated~☆ 10/29/19

☆~Updated~☆ 10/27/19

☆~Updated~☆ 10/25/19

The Latest: Daily Wire breaks it down.???❤??

Impeachment Wire: The Latest On The Effort To Impeach President Trump

At long last, the most brazenly partisan presidential impeachment in over a century and a half has come to an end. President Trump was formally acquitted on Wednesday by the U.S. Senate on each of the U.S. House’s adopted articles of impeachment: “Abuse of power” and ” obstruction of Congress.”

☆~Updated~☆ 10/23/19

☆~Updated~☆ 10/19/19

Hunter Biden Served As ‘Ceremonial Figure’ On Board For More Than $80,000 Per Month: Report

Hunter Biden was paid more than $80,000 a month as a “ceremonial figure” by the Ukrainian company Burisma, which hired him “as a helpful non-executive director with a powerful name,” according to a new report.


New Video From Glen Beck Updated 10/18/19

?⚪?Updated – New Videos:??⚪?



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