The Proof Is In The Pudding; The Biden’s Got Caught Selling “Biden” Name & VP Access

The Biden Campaign Should Be Done & Over: He Must Step Down!

On Wednesday Tucker Carlson of Fox News did an exclusive interview with Tony Bobulinski. Mr Bobulinski is a Navy veteran and the former head of SinoHawk Holdings —  which he describes as a partnership between the CEFC China Energy conglomerate and two Biden family members, including Hunter Biden the former VP’s son.

He told Tucker that he met with the former Vice President Joe Biden about doing business with China. And that he was extremely angry at the debate when Joe Biden denied his involvement.

“In that debate, he made a specific statement around questions around this from the president,” recalled Bobulinski, who attended the debate as Trump’s guest. “And I’ll be honest with you, I almost stood up and screamed ‘liar’ and walked out because I was shocked that after four days or five days that they prep for this, that the Biden family is taking that position to the world.”

Tony Bobulinski

This is a huge story, and the interview Carlson did lays out a lot of the scandalous details. But the mainstream media and big tech companies have tried to hide it from you. Both Twitter anf Facebook quashed a New Your Post Story that first broke the Biden Scandal, and not just Their posts but anyone who tried to share them publicly. And they block our posts from going out to our followers because of “possible election interference?”

As we have said many times before the left always accuses you of things they themselves are doing. Below is the New York Post story about the “Laptop from Hell” emails: The New York Times is a 200 year old Newspaper that has the 4th largest circulation in the country. This is not some guy in his basement spreading propaganda to his online blog…

Hunter Biden emails show leveraging connections with his father to boost Burisma pay

Hunter Biden discussed leveraging his connection to his father in a bid to boost his pay from a Ukrainian natural gas company, according to an email he sent around the time he joined the firm’s cor…

Text messages obtained by Fox News last week include an exchange between Bobulinski and James Biden, the Democratic nominee’s younger brother, in which Bobulinski asks James to “thank Joe for his time.”

Carlson Tweeted out that “The Media has suppressed the story, but it’s real and it matters.” I agree with him absolutely. This story should end Jo Biden’s run for the Presidency.

Below is that full interview from Tucker Carlson on Fox News.

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