US Coronavirus Epidemic; Not If, But When!

The Washington Post on Tuesday reported that a coronavirus epidemic in America is not a matter of if — but when.

This is scary stuff when we even begin to see the Government getting concerned. Take a listen to the HHS press confrence this morning Then Read what the Washington Post had to say:

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) gives an update on the administration’s response to COVID-19.

Posted by Fox News on Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Washington Post – Live updates: Spread of coronavirus in U.S. appears inevitable, health officials warn; U.S. financial markets drop sharply

Health officials in the United States warned Tuesday that the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country appears inevitable, marking a significant change in tone as global travel disruptions continued to worsen, South Korea neared 1,000 cases, Italy saw a 45 percent one-day increase in cases, and Iran reported at least 15 deaths.

China and South Korea announced new cases of the coronavirus, raising concerns in both nations about how long it could take for normal life to return. South Korea confirmed 144 more cases, bringing its total to 977, the most outside China. President Moon Jae-in visited the city of Daegu, where more than half of the country’s confirmed cases have been found, Tuesday afternoon local time.

In Italy, the epicenter of Europe’s outbreak, the death toll rose to 11 amid 322 confirmed infections. Austria, Croatia and Switzerland reported their first cases, most of which health authorities linked to Italy.

Read their full Story Below: ???❤???

Spread of coronavirus in U.S. appears inevitable, health officials warn, as Trump defends response

The comments about the virus were made in separate briefings to lawmakers and reporters Tuesday, marking an escalation in tone and urgency.

Here are the latest developments:

● The Dow Jones dived 900 points Tuesday afternoon after the CDC warned of coronavirus inevitability in the United States. “Ultimately, we expect we will see community spread in the United States,” Nancy Messonnier, a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters. “It’s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses.”

● A Chinese health official warned that at least 28 days without new cases are needed to be able to say an area is free of the outbreak, raising questions about how long it will take for normal life to resume.

● A fourth former passenger from the Diamond Princess cruise liner has died. Japan says 691 people on the ship tested positive for the virus, although that figure does not include more than 20 people found to have the virus after returning to their home countries.

Mapping the spread of the coronavirus | U.S. markets plummet amid coronavirus fears | What we know about the virus

More from the Washington Post: Public health officials warn of ‘inevitable’ spread of coronavirus in U.S.

Trump administration health officials urged the public Tuesday to prepare for the “inevitable” spread of the coronavirus within the United States, escalating warnings about a growing threat from the virus to Americans’ everyday lives.

The urgent new tone from leaders of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health came in response to a rapid surge in cases in new locations outside mainland China in the past several days, including new cases without a known source of exposure in Hong Kong, Iran, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. It came as stock markets dived for the second straight day on fears of the virus spreading.

Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) said officials cautioned during a closed-door briefing with senators that there was a “very strong chance of an extremely serious outbreak of the coronavirus here in the United States.”

Live updates on the coronavirus

Separately, on a conference call with reporters, public health officials repeated dire warnings.

“Ultimately we expect we will see community spread in the United States. It’s not a question of if this will happen, but when this will happen, and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses,” said Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

Messonnier said evidence of so-called “community spread” far beyond mainland China is triggering new strategies to blunt the impact of illness and slow the spread of the respiratory virus. There is growing evidence that efforts to contain the spread of the virus outside of China have failed. There are now almost 1,000 cases in South Korea, at least 15 people have died in Iran, and cases were reported for the first time in Switzerland, Austria, and at a luxury resort in Spain.

Coronavirus’s spread in U.S. is ‘inevitable,’ CDC warns

After stocks plunged on the news that Americans should gird for an outbreak and take precautions, the White House tried to soften the warning.

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