Violence Begets Violence, Let’s Rise Above It

We want to thank you for all of your comments here on our news posts and articles about the riots. We absolutely agree that rioting and looting is not okay. It only leads to hurting those communities and our country, and it needs to be stopped. It is understandable to be angry or concerned for your safety and that of your family. However, let’s not sink to the level of the rioters by calling for more violence or by hurting others.

Violence should only be used in a self defense situation. We shouldn’t go out looking for it, nor calling for others to do the same. We are better then they are.

We are all just as angry about what has happened here as you all are. Both that this guy George Floyd was killed; and that now the peaceful protests have devolved into chaos and anarchy mostly caused by outside groups.

So now we need calm and some law and order to return. Not even more rage and violence.

Please help us here at the RightWay to Call for Peace and Pray for Everyone who has been effected and hurt by these riots, and lets get back to reopening our nation.

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