Was Coronavirus Made In A Chinese Lab? Reports Say YES!

This story has been updated

New Chinese virologist whistleblower has come out saying that yes in fact this virus was created in a Chinese laboratory and then released on purpose by the Chimese Communist Government.

Take a look below:

Sources told Fox News that there is increased confidence that the COVID-19 virus did in fact escape from the Chinese wuuhan Lab:

A look at the Wuhan laboratory at the center of China’s coronavirus controversy

A look at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese lab at the heart of the coronavirus scandal.

Reports have now come out that strongly imply that Chinese scientists are the ones who created the deadly coronavirus. The Washington Post Reported:

Washington PostAt an emergency meeting in Beijing held last Friday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping spoke about the need to contain the coronavirus and set up a system to prevent similar epidemics in the future.

A national system to control biosecurity risks must be put in place “to protect the people’s health,” Xi said, because lab safety is a “national security” issue.

Xi didn’t actually admit that the coronavirus now devastating large swaths of China had escaped from one of the country’s bioresearch labs. But the very next day, evidence emerged suggesting that this is exactly what happened, as the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology released a new directive titled: “Instructions on strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.”

Read that again. It sure sounds like China has a problem keeping dangerous pathogens in test tubes where they belong, doesn’t it? And just how many “microbiology labs” are there in China that handle “advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus”?

It turns out that in all of China, there is only one. And this one is located in the Chinese city of Wuhan that just happens to be … the epicenter of the epidemic.

That’s right. China’s only Level 4 microbiology lab that is equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses, called the National Biosafety Laboratory, is part of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

You can read their full story HERE:

And then there is this story below: Some Chinese Scientists also believe that labs in China are the most likely places of Ground Zero for the start of the virus:

Chinese Scientists Believe Coronavirus Came From Virology Lab In Wuhan

There has been an underlying conspiracy theory suggesting that the origin of the deadly coronavirus was from a virology lab in Wuhan. That was previously

We know that the Chinese Government has been trying to become the most powerful superpower nation on the planet since before WWII. In 1964 they tested their first Nuclear Bomb and in 1967, just 3 years after, they tested the H-Bomb the most devastating type of weapon of mass destruction the world has ever seen.

Now that every superpower has nukes, and they are all held at bay from dominating the worl by “Mutually Assured Destruction;” the only way to ensure world domination now, is to be the first one to create a super weapon the likes of which, the world has never known. It’s possible that china has been trying to perfect such a weapon.

It is also possible that this was not done purposly, that there was a mistake in the Wuhan Chinese bio-facility lab, and someone was infected but didn’t know. Then took the deadly virus home to his family, and infected hundreds before any symptoms became apparent. Or, it is not a stretch to think that the Chinese Government created a super bio-weapon and infected their own people hoping the infection would quickly spread throughout the world.

After all Sadam Hussein gassed his own people in Iraq, as did Bashar al’ Asaad in Syria when he crossed over Obama’s infamous “Red Line.” The best Bio-Weapon would be one with an incredibly long incubation period, like the coronavirus has. It can take up to 2 weeks or longer before an infected individual even knows they have been infected and begins to show signs and symptoms of the deadly disease. By that time they could have infected hundreds of innocent people.It is not a virus that kills quickly that would make the best weapon; but one that takes it’s time to show up and has absolutely no cure. Unless The creator also has the vaccine for it…

Is that’s what is happening here?




In either case, now that the coronavirus has spread throghout China, and the Chinese Government has failed to contain it, it has escaped the Communist country making the infection almost impossible to stop. Turning this epidemic into a soon-to-be Pandemic. The numbers are frightning to say the least:

Coronavirus Cases:

79,718 view by country





The coronavirus is picking up steam outside China, narrowing chances of eliminating it

Experts point to the sharp rise in the number of cases of the new coronavirus in South Korea, Iran, and Italy. There are 1200 cases outside China.

There have been reports that the Government of China has been hiding the actual numbers of infected people and deaths caused by the infection. Leaked video from there showed wharehouses full of body bags and one man had been reporting directly from China, getting his videos and tweets out to the world, showing that there were tens of thousands infected and not being treated. that man has since gone silent or dissapeared. It seems as if the Chinese Government does’nt want the worl to see just how bad it is there.

A simple search on google or twitter brings up thousands of entries. from people inside and outside of China, trying to tell the world that there are actually hundreds of thousands of people dead there. Saying that China has built thousands of incinerators to burn the bodies, and all the evidence.


Abdugheni Sabit on Twitter: “Chinese woman said:Wuhan #coronavirus exposed the evil face of Chinese gov, the system is corrupted, they’ve been lying, abusing powers & repressing people.This evil has to end, I support independence of #HongKong,Tibet,Uyghurs &others. #China Global Television network is a liar. pic.twitter.com/UOqv1TB1hv / Twitter”

Chinese woman said:Wuhan #coronavirus exposed the evil face of Chinese gov, the system is corrupted, they’ve been lying, abusing powers & repressing people.This evil has to end, I support independence of #HongKong,Tibet,Uyghurs &others. #China Global Television network is a liar. pic.twitter.com/UOqv1TB1hv

Is it possible that like Iraq, Iran, Syria, and many terrible Governments and dictators throughout history, China has done this intentionally to its own people? Either to stop the massive protests and demonstrations against the Government, or as a weapon of mass distruction to infect the rest of the world?

Maybe this is all a massive conspiracy theory… or just maybe, it’s actually a massive conspiracy. But either way, This is only going to get worse.

How bad will it be?

Only time will tell now…

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