We Need To Get Back To The Basics When It Comes To Teaching Our Children.

We need to get back to basic moral values in our society. Values that we have eased away from, over the last several decades. Things like honor, loyalty, respect, dignity, mercy, freedom, and family. We need to go back to living by, and teaching our children the Golden rule; Do unto others as you’d have done to you. Instead of the perversion that it has morphed into today which is; Do unto others before they can do it to you.

“ All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.”
~Winston Churchill

   We need to get back to basic moral values in our society. Values that we have eased away from, over the last several decades. Things like honor, loyalty, respect, dignity, mercy, freedom, and family. We need to go back to living by, and teaching our children the Golden rule; Do unto others as you’d have done to you. Instead of the perversion that it has morphed into today which is; Do unto others before they can do it to you.

   We have become a Society of selfish takers, who’s only question is always inevitably “What’s in it for me? We are raising a generation of victims and victimizers, where our children are told that they belong in one victim class or another, or they themselves have become the offender. They are split into every little social grouping imaginable based on race, sex, gender, sexual orientation and more. Why can’t we all just be Americans?

   Just one generation ago, our parents Generation, they were taught that the important things in life always began with things like faith, love, and hope. Faith in a higher power and fighting for things that are bigger then ourselves. Love for country and for our fellow man. They were taught that our country is a place of hope. Where, hard work pays off, you can follow any dream you have,  and achieve anything you set your mind to, all because of the opportunities we all have in this Country. They were taught to be patriotic, to love America. Now days the word “patriotic” has become taboo. We need to get back to spreading hope for a bright future and greatness as a Country, get away from this victemhood mentality we have taught our children. And instead, teach them how lucky they are to live in such an amazing Country.

   When the Trump campaign chose the “Make America Great” slogan this is what they meant, at least in part. Yes they want to make the country strong and prosperous. However,they also want us to go back to the basics of what made us the Greatest Country in the world. And that starts with us, all of us together as Americans, and it starts at home with the family. We need to get back to having family meals together, talking to one another, supporting and encouraging each other. This is what great societies are built upon.


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