When someone who’s never run a business, makes the rules on how you must run yours…

When someone who has never had children with ASD, tells you how you must raise them…

When someone who lives off tax dollars, makes the rules for those who pay the taxes…

When someone who has never created a thing of importance, sets the rules that limit your ability to create something remarkable…

When those who deny an increase for social security recipients, vote to increase their own already comfortable income…

When someone who enjoys tax-payer funded security personnel, wants to ban your only means of self defense…

When someone who lives behind a tall block wall, tells you that you don’t need a wall…

When the tail wags the dog in this manner, when the parasite determines its existence needs yours to survive, we call it “government.”

Each election, Americans flock to the ballot box, casting a vote for someone to make the rules; in effect, someone to run our lives. Instead of picking someone with merit, with true life experience in the things that matter most, many of us naively choose life-long politicians with little or no experience in the real world.

People who cannot relate to the masses on any level.

People who have lived a life of luxury off our tax dollars.

People who’ve never built or discovered anything.

People who have no idea what it is to struggle under the weight of increasing government taxes and regulations.

Yes: Unqualified individuals who sit in judgement over us all.

When we toss out the old and hand this power to a relatively unknown player, we run the risk of inviting the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into our daily lives, allowing an inexperienced power-seeker with little life experience to stand in judgment over the productive members of society.

We’ve all experienced it at one time or another: Someone who has never had children, freely handing out parenting advice. Someone who still lives in mommy’s and daddy’s basement, telling us how to live our lives.

The ballot box turns otherwise insignificant people into powerful adversaries or advocates. When we vote, we hand the winner the reigns to our lives, our businesses, our retirement opportunities, our children, even our very existence.

This is why millions of woke people voted for Donald Trump. We wanted someone with life experience, a person who knows how to produce and understands how government regulations and interference can hobble us.

In the video below, we have AOC sitting in judgement over a man who had the wherewithal to build a digital empire at a very young age.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with being a bartender, the idea that someone who has done so little in life is suddenly granted such power over those who have done so much, is, frankly, quite maddening.

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